Showing posts with label Curriculum and Syllabus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Curriculum and Syllabus. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

CMU's Simon Interactive Online Learning Approach

September 14, 2015
Carnegie Mellon University

However, a study published in the Proceedings of the Second (2015) ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale shows that  interactive activities advocated by Carnegie Mellon University's Simon Initiative helps students learn about six times more than watching video lectures.

CMU's Simon Initiative approach uses CMU's Open Learning Initiative (OLI) courses, which are built to mimic intelligent tutors and they provide adaptive feedback and hints during learning by doing.

Learning by doing gives students deliberative practice opportunities to address a course's objectives students get immediate feedback. If they do not master a concept, they have to go back to re-watch or re-read and then demonstrate they have learned before they are able to move on.

A study  compared two uses of an Introduction to Psychology as a Science class: 18,645 students took it as a MOOC only, while 9,075 enrolled in it as a combined MOOC and Simon OLI course. Eleven weekly quizzes and a final exam were given to all students.

First, the researchers compared how each group's students performed on the final exam. MOOC-only students had an average score of 57 percent, and the MOOC and OLI students averaged 66 percent. The difference is  significant and the difference remains after adjusting for other contributors to student success including their prior educational background and their incoming psychology knowledge.

Then, the team investigated how different patterns of student use corresponded with different student learning outcomes. They found that while more watching, reading and doing all predict better learning outcomes, the amount of learning associated with each activity done was six times greater than for each video watched or page read.

Most of MOOCs' attention has been on scaling teaching -- making lectures available to more people,  More attention needs to be now  placed on  learning by doing that is well-aligned with outcomes and assessments.

Carnegie Mellon University. "Learning is not a spectator sport: Students learn 6 times more with CMU's Simon Initiative approach than with MOOCs." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 14 September 2015. <>.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Syllabus - First Year Computer Science and Engineering - SNDT University, Mumbai

Detailed syllabus and recommended books. Links to appropriate online articles and videos will be given. This blog will also contain number of articles and videos.


Computer Science and Engineering - Knol Books - Catalogue

Sub-Directories of Articles/Knols in the Area of Computer Science and Engineering
Knol Sub-Directory - Computer Science, Engineering and Technology - Subjects
Knol Sub-Directory - New Knols - Computer Science, Engineering and Technology


First Year

Engineering Math's - I/ II
Applied Science - I/II
Engineering Drawing
Electronics Devices
Introduction to Mechanics and Thermodynamics
Communication Skills - I
Basic Electrical Engineering Programming in C

Syllabus - May 2011

Applied Mathematics - I

Semester: I                            Lect: 4Hr
Branch: ENC / CST / IT                                                                                                    Credit: 04
Types of Matrices.  Adjoint of a matrix, Inverse of a matrix.  Elementary transformations.  Rank of a matrix.  Reduction to a normal form.  Partitioning of matrices.  System of homogeneous and non – homogeneous equations, their consistency and solutions.  Linear dependence and independence of rows and columns of a matrix area in a real field. Eigen values and Eigen vectors.  Cayley Hamilton theoram, Minimal Polynominal – Derogatory and non derogatory matrices. Applications in Engg.
Differential equation of 1st order and 1st degree, Linear – equations.  Bernoulli’s equations. Differential equation exact differential equations – integrating factors. Differential equations of higher order.  Differential operator D, Where f (D) y = X,  {x = eax , sin(ax+b),  Cos(ax+b),  xm ,  eax f(x).   Linear differential equations with constant and variable coefficients.  (Cauchy Linear Equations and Legendre’s Liner equations).  Simple applications (Where the differential equation is given). Applications in Engg.
Successive differentiation, Leibnitz’s theorem ( without proof ) and applications, Rolle’s theorem, Lagrange’s and Cauchy’s Mean value theorem. Applications in Engg.
Definition of complex numbers Cartesian, Polar and exponential form, De–Moiver’s theorem and roots of complex numbers.  Hyperbolic functions Separation real and imaginary parts of circular & Hyperbolic functions.  Logarithm of complex numbers. Applications in Engg.
 Reference Books:
1. P.N.Wartikar & J. N. Wartikar, Elements of Applied Mathematics, 1st edition, Pune Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan, 1995. (rs. 110/-)
2. B. S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, 34th edition, Khanna Publishers, 1998. (Rs. 170).
3. Shanti Narayan, Matrices, 9th Edition, S. Chand, 1997. (Rs. 45/-)
4. Shanti Narayan, Differential Calculus, 14th Edition, S. Chand, 1996. (Rs. 60/-)
5. A. R. Vashishtha, Matrices, 27th Edition, Krishna Prakashan Mesdia(P) Ltd; 1996. (RS. 75/-)
6. Edwin Kreyszig, Advance Engg. Mathematics, 5th Edition, New Age International (P) Ltd; 1997. (Rs. 295/-)

Applied Mathematics - II

Semester: II                              
Lect: 4 Hr
Branch:ENC/CST/IT                                                                                       Credit: 04

Partial Differentiation: Definition, differentiation of composite and implicit functions, Euler’s theorem on Homogeneous functions, total differentiation of composite functions using partial differentiation, errors and approximation, extreme values of functions of two variables, applications in engineering. 
Vector Algebra And Vector Calcus: Product of three or more vectors, vector differentiation – rules and theorems on vector differentiation, scalar point functions and vector point function, gradient, divergent and curl and applications solenoidal and irrotational fields, scalar potential of irrotational vectors, applications in engineering.
Differentiation Under Integral Sign: Theorems on differentiation under integral sign (without proof), Applications in engineering.

Integral Calculus: Curve tracing (only standard curves) Rectification (only arc length), double Integrals – Change of order of integration, double integration of polar coordinates, application of single and double integration – mass and volume, triple integration, applications in engineering.
Error Functions – Beta And Gamma Functions: Error functions and its properties, simple problems based on it, beta and gamma functions, properties, relation between beta & gamma functions, duplication formula and problems based on it, applications in engineering.

1. P.N.Wartikar & J. N. Wartikar, Elements of Applied Mathematics, 1st edition, Pune Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan, 1995. (rs. 110/-)
2. B. S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, 34th edition, Khanna Publishers, 1998. (Rs. 170).
3. Shanti Narayan, Differential Calculus, 14th Edition, S. Chand, 1996. (Rs. 60/-)
4. Murry Spiega, Vector Analysis
5. Edwin Kreyszig, Advance Engg. Mathematics, 5th Edition, New Age
6. International (P) Ltd; 1997. (Rs. 295/-)

Applied Science – I

Semester: II                Lect: 4 Hr
Branch:ENC/CST/IT                                                                                        Credit: 04
Section – I (Physics)
Physics of Semiconductors
Introduction to band theory, metals, semiconductors and insulators; charge carriers in semiconductors; conductivity and mobility of charge carriers; concepts of fermi level; fermi level in Intrinsic and Entrinsic semiconductors; semiconductor junction diodes.
Introduction to Fiber Optic Communication
i] Propagation of light in an optical fiber; TIR, Angle of Acceptance; Numerical Aperture; Index Difference; Types of Fibers i) Step Index Fiber  ii) Graded Index Fiber; Advantages of Optical Fiber, Applications of Optical Fiber Communication System.
ii]  Optical Sources
Introduction to Lasers; Terms Associated with Lasers; Theory of Ruby Lasers; He-Ne Laser, LED, Semiconductor Lasers.
iii] Photo Detectors
Minority Charge Carrier Injection, Photo Diodes – p-n, p-in Avalanche.
Characteristics of U. S. Waves, Magnetosrictive effect, Magnetosrictive Transducer, Piezoelectric effect, Piezo Quartz Crystal and transducer Applications of U. S. Waves – i) High power applications such as ultrasonic cleaners and cavitation ii) Low power applications such as Non Destructive Testing Methods – flaw detectors, Ultrasonic Thickness Gauges, Sonar’s etc.
Super Conductors
Properties Characterizing Superconductors; Implications of Zero resistivity, Critical temp-Tc, critical magnetic field – Hc, Critical current Ic, Meissner effect, Penetration depth;
Types of superconductors; London’s equation; B.C.S. Theory, Josephson’s Effect and junctions, SQUID, Applications of Superconductors.
Introduction to Electromagnetic
Laws of Physics such as Gauss’s Law, Ampere’s Circuital Law, Solenoidal vector B, Faraday – Lenz’s Law expressed in terms of Maxwell’s equations, Modified form of Ampere’s Law.
1. R. K. Gaur, and S. L. Gupta, Engineering Physics, 7th Edition, Dhanpat Rai Publication Pvt. Ltd., 1997. (165/-)
2. B. L. Theraja, Modern Physics., S. Chand and Company Ltd., 1996. (Rs. 60/-)
3. S. G. Patgawkar, Applied Physics – I, 5th Edition, Technova Publication, 1999.      (Rs. 75/-)
4. Arthur Beiser, Perspective of Modern Physics, McGraw Hill, 1997. (Rs. 400/-)
5. Charles Kittle, Solid State Physics, 7th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 1996. (Rs. 254/-)
6. I. Wilson and J. F. B. Hawkes, Optoelectronics – An Introduction, 2nd Edition, PHI, 1999. (175/-)

Section – II  (Chemistry)

7. Phase Rule
Phase Rule, Water System, Sulphur System, Phase Rule for two Component Alloy Systems, Eutectic System, Bismuth – Cadmium Eutectic System, Lead – Silver System – Simple Eutectic Formation.
8. Electrochemistry, Specific, Equivalent and Molar Conductance
Introduction, Kohlrausch’s Law of Independent Migration of Ions, Laws of Electrolysis, Transport Number, Conductometric Titration.
9. Spectroscopy
Electromagnetic radiation, Spectroscopy, Principle, Instrumentation and Applications of Microwave, IR and UV Visible Spectroscopy, Beer Lamber’s Law.
10. Atomic Structure & Atomic Properties
Rutherford’s Modes, Bohr’s Model, Aufbau’s Principle, Pauli’s Law, Hund’s Rule, Electronic Configuration Atomic Properties like Ionization potential electro negativity, electron affinity, Atomic size, oxidation potential.

1. Glasstone Lewis, Physical Chemistry
2. C. N. Banwell, Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy, 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 1992. (Rs. 69/-)
3. Anand and Chatwal, Instrumental Methods of Analysis, Himalaya Publishing House, 1997. (Rs. 160/-)

Communication Skills

Semester: I                       Lect: 4 Hr
Branch:  ENC/ CST/ IT                                                                Credit: 04
1. Communication
The process, channels and media, Oral and written communication,
Verbal and non-verbal communication, Body language,
Barriers to communication , Developing communication through techniques.
2. Writing Skills
Vocabulary building- use of synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, homophones,word formation, confused set of words.
Writing effective paragraphs-through illustration, example, argument, analysis,description and comparison, expansion of key sentences.
Business correspondence-Principles of correspondence,Form,Formats,
Types of letters-Application with bio-data, enquiries, replies to enquiries, claims, adjustments, sales.
3. Summarising Techniques

One word substitutes( noun, verb,adverb, adjective)
Reduction of sentence length, Reduction of paragraph length,
Paraphrasing longer units.

4. Oral Communication Practice
Group discussion, Extempore speaking- introducing a speaker,
introducing a topic, vote of thanks, offering condolence, making
an announcement, speech on given topic, oral instructions.
5. Meeting Documentation

Notices, Circulars,Agendas,Minutes of meetings
6. Report Writing
Basics-What is a report, Qualities of a good report,
Style of  language in reports,Methods,Sequencing, Structures
Types of reports-analytical, feasibility, informative etc.
Non-formal short reports-letter reports, memorandum reports
7. Descriptive Writing
Simple description of an object often used by engineering students
Writing instructions on using an object or performing a process
 Reference Books
1. Sushil Bahl, “Business Communication Today”, Response Books, 1996, Rs.125/-
2. Krishna Mohan, R.C. Sharma, “Business Correspondence and Report Writing”, 2nd ed., Tata McGraw Hill, 1997, Rs.110/-
3. Krishna Mohan, Meera Banerji, “Developing Communication Skills”, McMillan & India Ltd., 1997, Rs.88/-
4. E.H.Macgraw, “Basic Managerial Skills For All”, 4th ed., PHI, 1996, Rs.125/-

Basic Electronics

Semester: II                      Lect: 4 Hr
Branch:  ENC/ CST/ IT                                                                Credit: 04

Modeling devices: Static characteristics of ideal two terminal and three terminal devices, small signal models of non-linear devices.
Semiconductor diodes, construction and characteristics, Static and dynamic resistance, temperature effects, Avalanche and zener diodes. Small signal models of diodes; some applications of diodes. Specification of diodes, rectifiers ripple factor, rectification efficiency, regulation, and filters.
Bipolar junction transistor: Construction, characteristics. BJT as amplifier, CB, CE, CC configurations. Biasing circuits, dc analysis and stability factor, DC load line and ac load line.
Single stage transistor amplifiers (CB, CC, and CE).  h-parameters, Small signal low frequency ac equivalent circuit, h parameter measurements
FET:- Construction, characteristics, amplifier. CS, CD and CG configurations. Biasing.  Low frequency small signal ac equivalent circuit of JFET amplifiers.

Text Books / Reference Books
1.  Boylstead & Nshelasky, “Electronic Devices & Circuit”, 6th edition, PHI. (Rs.295/-)
2.  Milman Grabel, “Microelectronics”
3.  V. K. Mehata, Principles of Electronics”, 7th edition. (Rs.210/-)
4.  Bhargav Gupta, “Basic Electronics & Linear Circuit”. (Rs.120/-)
5.  Kakani – Bhandari, “A Textbook of Electronics”.
Source:    Courses Page Accessed on 27.5.2011

2009-10 First Semester Subjects

AS-1 Chemistry
AS-2 Physics
CS - Computer Skills
EC - Electrical Circuits
ED - Engineering Drawing
EM-1 Engineering Mathematics
EW - Electronics and Mechanical Workshop


Applied Mathematics - I

Semester: I                            Lect: 4Hr
Branch: ENC / CST / IT                                                                                                    Credit: 04
Types of Matrices.  Adjoint of a matrix, Inverse of a matrix.  Elementary transformations.  Rank of a matrix.  Reduction to a normal form.  Partitioning of matrices.  System of homogeneous and non – homogeneous equations, their consistency and solutions.  Linear dependence and independence of rows and columns of a matrix area in a real field. Eigen values and Eigen vectors.  Cayley Hamilton theoram, Minimal Polynominal – Derogatory and non derogatory matrices. Applications in Engg.
Differential equation of 1st order and 1st degree, Linear – equations.  Bernoulli’s equations. Differential equation exact differential equations – integrating factors. Differential equations of higher order.  Differential operator D, Where f (D) y = X,  {x = eax , sin(ax+b),  Cos(ax+b),  xm ,  eax f(x).   Linear differential equations with constant and variable coefficients.  (Cauchy Linear Equations and Legendre’s Liner equations).  Simple applications (Where the differential equation is given). Applications in Engg.
Successive differentiation, Leibnitz’s theorem ( without proof ) and applications, Rolle’s theorem, Lagrange’s and Cauchy’s Mean value theorem. Applications in Engg.
Definition of complex numbers Cartesian, Polar and exponential form, De–Moiver’s theorem and roots of complex numbers.  Hyperbolic functions Separation real and imaginary parts of circular & Hyperbolic functions.  Logarithm of complex numbers. Applications in Engg.

 Reference Books:
1. P.N.Wartikar & J. N. Wartikar, Elements of Applied Mathematics, 1st edition, Pune Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan, 1995. (rs. 110/-)
2. B. S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, 34th edition, Khanna Publishers, 1998. (Rs. 170).
3. Shanti Narayan, Matrices, 9th Edition, S. Chand, 1997. (Rs. 45/-)
4. Shanti Narayan, Differential Calculus, 14th Edition, S. Chand, 1996. (Rs. 60/-)
5. A. R. Vashishtha, Matrices, 27th Edition, Krishna Prakashan Mesdia(P) Ltd; 1996. (RS. 75/-)
6. Edwin Kreyszig, Advance Engg. Mathematics, 5th Edition, New Age International (P) Ltd; 1997. (Rs. 295/-) 

Applied Mathematics - II

Semester: II                              
Lect: 4 Hr
Branch:ENC/CST/IT                                                                                       Credit: 04

Partial Differentiation: Definition, differentiation of composite and implicit functions, Euler’s theorem on Homogeneous functions, total differentiation of composite functions using partial differentiation, errors and approximation, extreme values of functions of two variables, applications in engineering. 
Vector Algebra And Vector Calcus: Product of three or more vectors, vector differentiation – rules and theorems on vector differentiation, scalar point functions and vector point function, gradient, divergent and curl and applications solenoidal and irrotational fields, scalar potential of irrotational vectors, applications in engineering.
Differentiation Under Integral Sign: Theorems on differentiation under integral sign (without proof), Applications in engineering.

Integral Calculus: Curve tracing (only standard curves) Rectification (only arc length), double Integrals – Change of order of integration, double integration of polar coordinates, application of single and double integration – mass and volume, triple integration, applications in engineering.
Error Functions – Beta And Gamma Functions: Error functions and its properties, simple problems based on it, beta and gamma functions, properties, relation between beta & gamma functions, duplication formula and problems based on it, applications in engineering.


1. P.N.Wartikar & J. N. Wartikar, Elements of Applied Mathematics, 1st edition, Pune Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan, 1995. (rs. 110/-)
2. B. S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, 34th edition, Khanna Publishers, 1998. (Rs. 170).
3. Shanti Narayan, Differential Calculus, 14th Edition, S. Chand, 1996. (Rs. 60/-)
4. Murry Spiega, Vector Analysis
5. Edwin Kreyszig, Advance Engg. Mathematics, 5th Edition, New Age
6. International (P) Ltd; 1997. (Rs. 295/-)

Applied Science – I

Semester: II                Lect: 4 Hr
                                                                                      Credit: 04
Section – I (Physics)
Physics of Semiconductors
Introduction to band theory, metals, semiconductors and insulators; charge carriers in semiconductors; conductivity and mobility of charge carriers; concepts of fermi level; fermi level in Intrinsic and Entrinsic semiconductors; semiconductor junction diodes.
Introduction to Fiber Optic Communication
i] Propagation of light in an optical fiber; TIR, Angle of Acceptance; Numerical Aperture; Index Difference; Types of Fibers i) Step Index Fiber  ii) Graded Index Fiber; Advantages of Optical Fiber, Applications of Optical Fiber Communication System.
ii]  Optical Sources
Introduction to Lasers; Terms Associated with Lasers; Theory of Ruby Lasers; He-Ne Laser, LED, Semiconductor Lasers.
iii] Photo Detectors
Minority Charge Carrier Injection, Photo Diodes – p-n, p-in Avalanche.
Characteristics of U. S. Waves, Magnetosrictive effect, Magnetosrictive Transducer, Piezoelectric effect, Piezo Quartz Crystal and transducer Applications of U. S. Waves – i) High power applications such as ultrasonic cleaners and cavitation ii) Low power applications such as Non Destructive Testing Methods – flaw detectors, Ultrasonic Thickness Gauges, Sonar’s etc.
Super Conductors
Properties Characterizing Superconductors; Implications of Zero resistivity, Critical temp-Tc, critical magnetic field – Hc, Critical current Ic, Meissner effect, Penetration depth;
Types of superconductors; London’s equation; B.C.S. Theory, Josephson’s Effect and junctions, SQUID, Applications of Superconductors.
Introduction to Electromagnetic
Laws of Physics such as Gauss’s Law, Ampere’s Circuital Law, Solenoidal vector B, Faraday – Lenz’s Law expressed in terms of Maxwell’s equations, Modified form of Ampere’s Law.

1. R. K. Gaur, and S. L. Gupta, Engineering Physics, 7th Edition, Dhanpat Rai Publication Pvt. Ltd., 1997. (165/-)
2. B. L. Theraja, Modern Physics., S. Chand and Company Ltd., 1996. (Rs. 60/-)
3. S. G. Patgawkar, Applied Physics – I, 5th Edition, Technova Publication, 1999.      (Rs. 75/-)
4. Arthur Beiser, Perspective of Modern Physics, McGraw Hill, 1997. (Rs. 400/-)
5. Charles Kittle, Solid State Physics, 7th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 1996. (Rs. 254/-)
6. I. Wilson and J. F. B. Hawkes, Optoelectronics – An Introduction, 2nd Edition, PHI, 1999. (175/-)

Section – II  (Chemistry)

7. Phase Rule
Phase Rule, Water System, Sulphur System, Phase Rule for two Component Alloy Systems, Eutectic System, Bismuth – Cadmium Eutectic System, Lead – Silver System – Simple Eutectic Formation.
8. Electrochemistry, Specific, Equivalent and Molar Conductance
Introduction, Kohlrausch’s Law of Independent Migration of Ions, Laws of Electrolysis, Transport Number, Conductometric Titration.
9. Spectroscopy
Electromagnetic radiation, Spectroscopy, Principle, Instrumentation and Applications of Microwave, IR and UV Visible Spectroscopy, Beer Lamber’s Law.
10. Atomic Structure & Atomic Properties
Rutherford’s Modes, Bohr’s Model, Aufbau’s Principle, Pauli’s Law, Hund’s Rule, Electronic Configuration Atomic Properties like Ionization potential electro negativity, electron affinity, Atomic size, oxidation potential.

1. Glasstone Lewis, Physical Chemistry
2. C. N. Banwell, Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy, 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 1992. (Rs. 69/-)
3. Anand and Chatwal, Instrumental Methods of Analysis, Himalaya Publishing House, 1997. (Rs. 160/-)

Communication Skills

Semester: I                       Lect: 4 Hr
Branch:  ENC/ CST/ IT                                                                Credit: 04
1. Communication
The process, channels and media, Oral and written communication,
Verbal and non-verbal communication, Body language,
Barriers to communication , Developing communication through techniques.
2. Writing Skills
Vocabulary building- use of synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, homophones,word formation, confused set of words.
Writing effective paragraphs-through illustration, example, argument, analysis,description and comparison, expansion of key sentences.
Business correspondence-Principles of correspondence,Form,Formats,
Types of letters-Application with bio-data, enquiries, replies to enquiries, claims, adjustments, sales.
3. Summarising Techniques

One word substitutes( noun, verb,adverb, adjective)
Reduction of sentence length, Reduction of paragraph length,
Paraphrasing longer units.

4. Oral Communication Practice
Group discussion, Extempore speaking- introducing a speaker,
introducing a topic, vote of thanks, offering condolence, making
an announcement, speech on given topic, oral instructions.
5. Meeting Documentation

Notices, Circulars,Agendas,Minutes of meetings
6. Report Writing
Basics-What is a report, Qualities of a good report,
Style of  language in reports,Methods,Sequencing, Structures
Types of reports-analytical, feasibility, informative etc.
Non-formal short reports-letter reports, memorandum reports
7. Descriptive Writing
Simple description of an object often used by engineering students
Writing instructions on using an object or performing a process

 Reference Books
1. Sushil Bahl, “Business Communication Today”, Response Books, 1996, Rs.125/-
2. Krishna Mohan, R.C. Sharma, “Business Correspondence and Report Writing”, 2nd ed., Tata McGraw Hill, 1997, Rs.110/-
3. Krishna Mohan, Meera Banerji, “Developing Communication Skills”, McMillan & India Ltd., 1997, Rs.88/-
4. E.H.Macgraw, “Basic Managerial Skills For All”, 4th ed., PHI, 1996, Rs.125/-

Basic Electronics

Semester: II                      Lect: 4 Hr
Branch:  ENC/ CST/ IT                                                                Credit: 04

Modeling devices: Static characteristics of ideal two terminal and three terminal devices, small signal models of non-linear devices.
Semiconductor diodes, construction and characteristics, Static and dynamic resistance, temperature effects, Avalanche and zener diodes. Small signal models of diodes; some applications of diodes. Specification of diodes, rectifiers ripple factor, rectification efficiency, regulation, and filters.
Bipolar junction transistor: Construction, characteristics. BJT as amplifier, CB, CE, CC configurations. Biasing circuits, dc analysis and stability factor, DC load line and ac load line.
Single stage transistor amplifiers (CB, CC, and CE).  h-parameters, Small signal low frequency ac equivalent circuit, h parameter measurements
FET:- Construction, characteristics, amplifier. CS, CD and CG configurations. Biasing.  Low frequency small signal ac equivalent circuit of JFET amplifiers.

Text Books / Reference Books

1.  Boylstead & Nshelasky, “Electronic Devices & Circuit”, 6th edition, PHI. (Rs.295/-)
2.  Milman Grabel, “Microelectronics”
3.  V. K. Mehata, Principles of Electronics”, 7th edition. (Rs.210/-)
4.  Bhargav Gupta, “Basic Electronics & Linear Circuit”. (Rs.120/-)
5.  Kakani – Bhandari, “A Textbook of Electronics”.

Updated  9 June 2015,   15 February 2012

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Management for IT Professionals - Syllabus

Himachal Pradesh University Syllabus for Information Technology, BE course

Section A

Meaning, Nature and scope of management, The Emergence of Management thought, Japanese
management vs. U.S. Management; the Management process – Planning, Organizing, Directing
and controlling.
Planning – The Process, Premises; Types of Plans; The Process and Techniques of Decision
Decision Making: Bounded rationality, alternatives and their evaluation.
Section B
Organizing – Meaning and Principles of Organization; Organizational Structure; Work Division,
Departmentation; Organization charts, span of control,
Decision Making: Bounded rationality, alternatives and their evaluation.

Section B

Organizing – Meaning and Principles of Organization; Organizational Structure; Work Division,
Departmentation; Organization charts, span of control, levels of management; delegation of
authority, decentralization; line & staff relationship.
Concepts of authority, responsibility, power delegation, organizational culture, and climate.

Section C
Motivation – Definition, content and process theories.
Communication – Definition, process and barriers to communication.
Leadership – Meaning, theories and styles.
Control – Control process, Areas of control.

Section D
Organization theory – Group dynamics; Tromp processes, group cohesiveness, stress
management; Nature and potential sources of stress.

1. Joseph L., Massie; Essentials of Management Prentice Hall of India.
2. Boone, Louis E. and David L. Kurtz; Principles of Management, Random Books.
3. McFarland, vide balton E., Management; Principles and practices; McMillan Co.
4. Dressler, Grey; Management Fundamentals; Modern Principles and practices”. Reston
5. Newman, Summer and Warren; The process of Management; Prentice Hall of India.
6. Peter Drucker; The practice of Management, Harpar & Bros.
7. L.M. Prasad; Principles and Practice of Management; Sultan Chand & Sons.
8. J.S. Chandan: Management Theory and practice; Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
9. Koontz, H. and Weilhrich, Essentials of Management.
10. L.M. Prasad, Organization Behavior, SultanChand & Sons.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Computer Science and Engineering - Curriculums

Computer Science and Engineering - Curriculums

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Syllabus - Computer Science - Engineering - Mumbai University

Syllabus - Computer Science - Engineering - Mumbai University

Syllabus - Computer Science - Engineering - Mumbai University

First year to Fourth Year


Computer Science and Engineering Mumbai University Syllabus

Download the syllabus for all years from

III semester

IV Semester

V Semester

Vi Semester

VII Semester

VIII Semester




Water: Impurities in water and their effects on quality, hardness and estimation of hardness by soap and EDTA methods, problems
based on determination of hardness, softening of water, methods of softening: lime soda, permutit and ion exchange methods,
calculation of requirement of softening reagents, boiler feed water, boiler problems and methods of rectification, industrial uses of

Refractories: Definition, criteria of good refractories, classification of refractories ,properties, testing and failure of refractories,
glass, manufacture and properties, types of glass.
Polymers: Classification of polymers, types of polymerization, methods of polymerization, classification of plastics, compounding of
plastics, fabrication of plastics, industrial uses of plastics, manufacture, properties and uses of polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride,
phenol formaldehyde and urea fomaldehyde.
Lubricants: Definition and function ,classification: solid, semisolid, blended and synthetic lubricants. purification and refining of
lubricants from mineral oils, mechanism of lubrication, physical and chemical testing of lubricants, testing of lubricants.
Elastomers: Natural rubber, its drawbacks, vulcanisation and its effects upon properties, compounding of rubber, synthetic rubber:
nitrile, neopropene, polyurethane, silicon and styrene rubber. Industrial uses of rubber and recovery of rubber from waste.
Pollution and Pollution Control: Atmospheric pollution, nature of pollutants, their effects and methods to reduce atmospheric
pollution. water pollution, nature of pollutants, their effects and methods to reduce water pollution.


Complex Variables: Definition, Cartesian, polar & amplitude ; exponential form. de moivres theorem. power & amp; roots of
exponential and trigonometric forms. hyperbolic and logarithmic functions. inverse hyperbolic and inverse trigonometric of all types
of functions.
Vector Algebra: Triple Product, Vector Differentiation, Curvature and Torsion, Equation of planes.
Calculus: Successive differentiation, std form to find the nth derivative, Leibnitz theorem, Rolles theorem ,Lagranges and Cauchys
mean value theorem, Taylors theorem, Taylor and Maclaurins series, indeterminate forms, Lhospitals rule, expansion of functions
in power series, partial derivatives of first and higher orders, total differentiation concept of commutative partial derivatives, Eulers
theorems of homogeneous functions, deduction from Eulers theorems ,errors, approximations, maxima and minima functions of two


Elements of Crystal Structure: Packing Factor, Diamond cubic and Barium Titanate structure, Miller indices, indices of crystal
directions, ligancy and critical radius ratio of ionic crystals, crystal imperfections, expression of equilibrium, number of point defects.
Formation of energy bands and classification of solids: Conductors, insulators, semi conductors, intrinsic p and n type,
semiconductor diode as a rectifier, npn and pnp transistors.
Ultrasonics: Piezoelectric and magnetostriction effect ,piezoelectric crystals, quartz and ceramics, ultrasonic transducers,
application: echo sounding, thickness measurement, cavitation and non-destructive testing, flaw detection.
Thermoelectric Effect: Law of intermediate temperatures and metals, neutral temperature and inversion temperature, peltier
effect, thermocouple as a temperature measuring device, semiconductor as a device to measure temperature.(thermistors)
Motion of Charged ParticLes in Electric and Magnetic Fields : Magnetic and Electrostatic Focusing, cathode ray tube ,cyclotron,
mass spectrograph.( Aston and Bain bridge ).


Fundamentals of electricity: Units, electric current, Ohms law, Kirchoffs laws, loop and nodal analysis, series and parallel
combination of resistances.
Network theorems: Star delta transformation, superposition theorem, Thevenins theorem,Nortons theorem, maximum power
transfer theorem.
Electromagnetism: Amperes law, force between magnetic poles, field intensity, flux, flux density, Biot- Savarts law, mmf,
reluctance, magnetisation curve, hysteresis loop and losses, series and parallel magnetic circuits, self and mutual inductance, laws
of electromagnetic induction, Flemings right and lefthand rule, energy stored in an inductor, rise and decay of current in r-l circuit,
time constant.
Electrostatics: Coulombs law, electric field, electric field intensity, electric flux and flux density, absolute electric field potential and
potential difference, dielectric and dielectric strength, capacitance, parallel plate capacitor, composite parallel plate capacitor,
energy stored, charging and discharging in r-c circuits, capacitances in series and parallel.


Basic Anatomy of Computers: Components of computer systems, IBM compatible PC
Introduction to operating systems: Need for an operating system, internal commands of MS- DOS, external commands. batch
files, introduction to system software.
Mumbai University Bachelor of Engineering COMPUTERS Revised Syllabus
Introduction to Lotus 1-2-3: Worksheet usi ng keyboard with 1-2-3 basic skills, using 1-2-3 menus, commands indicating range of
cells moving pointer, constructing blank forms, changing entries in the cell, sorting the worksheet, using formulae, keyboard
Pascal Programming:
·  Introduction to computer programming, steps involved in computer programming, the problem definition phase.
·  Algorithms ,developing algorithms, efficiency of algorithms
·  Simple Pascal-concept of data types, the standard scalar data types, additional scalar data types, names in Pascal, scalar
·  Elementary Pascal programming, arithmetic expressions, use of standard functions, boolean expressions, the assignment
statement, input and output, structure of a Pascal program.


Communication: What is communication? Importance of communication, barriers to communication, verbal and non verbal
communication, oral and written communication ,techniques to improve communication, internal and external communication.
Business correspondence: Principles of correspondence, language style, format of the business letter, types of business letters,
application letter with bio data. enquiries, reply to enquiry, claims, adjustments, sales letters.
Group Discussion: Importance of group discussion, techniques of group discussion.
Precis Writing: Importance of precis, techniques of precis writing, one word substitution, precis of short units, precis of passages,
summaries of letter reports, short messages.

·  Introduction, Lettering
·  Engineering Curves
·  Parabola, Ellipse, Hyperbola, Cycloid, Epicycloid, Hypercycloid, Involutes, Archemedian spirals, tangents and normals to
the above curves, simple helical curves on cylinder and cones.
·  Projection of Points and Lines
·  Projections of planes including planes inclined to both planes.
·  Projections of solids prism, pyramids ,cylinder and concluding those axes inclined to both the HP and VP
·  Sections of Solids
·  Orthographic Projections.


System of Coplanar Forces: Resultant of concurrent forces, parallel forces and non parallel non concurrent system of forces,
moment of force about any point, couples, Varignons theorem, distributed forces in plane.
Centroids of plane areas: Center of gravity of wires bent into different shapes, moment of inertia of plane areas.
Equilibrium of system of coplanar forces: Conditions of equilibrium for concurrent, parallel and non concurrent, non parallel
system of forces and couples. types of supports, determination of reactions at supports for various types of structures.
Analysis of pin jointed plane frames: Perfect frame ,method of joints, method of sections.
Forces in space: Resultant of concurrent, parallel ,general force system. moment of a force about a point, finding scalar and
vector components of the force and the moment of the force along the axis.
Equilibrium of forces in space: Condition of equilibrium ,application to simple space pin jointed frames having roller/hinged
supports by method of joints.
Friction: Laws of friction, cone of friction ,equilibrium of bodies on an inclined plane, application to problems involving wedges
,ladders, screw jack etc.
Virtual work: Equilibrium for an ideal system, applications to the reactions of beam with internal hinges and link systems.
Graphic statics: Bows notation, force polygon, funicular polygon, Maxwell diagram, problems involving beam reactions, centroid of
plane areas or bent bars, determination of forces in trusses.


Differential Equations:
1. Exact differential Equations and those which can be made exact by use of integrating factor. Integrating factor by inspection,
Linear equations & reducible to linear (Bernoulli equations), method of substitution to reduce the eqn. to one of the above forms.
2. Linear Diff. Eqn. of nth order with constant coefficients, complimentary function & particular integral when the function of the
integral on the R.H.S. are exponential, Sin(ax + b), Cos(ax + b).Cauchys Linear equation( Homogenous eqn.). The Legendre Linear
equation, Variation of parameters & method of undetermined coefficients.
3. Elementary application of above diff. Eqn. in solving engineering problems from Electrical Engg., Chemical Engg., Mechanical
Engg., and Civil Engg.
Integral Calculus: Rectification of plane curves, Double and Triple integrals, Their geometrical interpretation & evaluation.
Evaluation of double integrals by change of order and change to polar. Application of double and triple integrals to areas, volumes
& mass.
Beta & Gamma Functions:
1. Beta & Gamma function & their properties, relation between Beta & Gamma functions.
2. Error Functions.
3. Differentiation under the integral sign.

Theory of production of X-rays: Continuous and Characteristic X-rays spectra, X-ray diffraction, Laue spots, Braggs law and
Moseleys law. Determination of crystal structure. Braggs spectrometer method and power method.
Optics: Interference in thin film, Newtons rings and fringes in wedge shaped films. Fraunhoffer diffraction grating ( with derivation
of formula ).
Mumbai University Bachelor of Engineering COMPUTERS Revised Syllabus
Principles of Laser: Spontaneous and Stimulated radiation, Population inversion, Pumping methods. Ruby and He -Ne laser,
Carbon dioxide laser, Semiconductor lasers ( Dye lasers and holography ).
Fiber Optics: Types of optical fibres, step index and graded index, numerical aperture. Communication through optical fibers.
Dual nature of matter: DeBroglie waves, Verification of matter waves, uncertainty principle, electron microscope- Introduction and
application. Detection and measurement of radiation. Structure of nuclear binding energy, Nuclear fission. Nuclear reactors,
Nuclear fusion. Detection and measurement of nuclear radiation by emulsion plates, cloud chamber & Bubble chamber.
Super Conductivity: Basic theory, Meissner effects, London equation, properties of super conductors.
Phase rule: Basic principles of phase rule, application of phase rule to water system. Condensed phase rule, allotropes of iron,
study of iron-carbon equilibrium diagram.
Corrosion: Definition, electrochemical theory of corrosion, factors affecting the rate of corrosion, different types of corrosion,
protection against corrosion, factors affecting the rate of corrosion - design and selection. Cathodic and anodic protection,
protective coatings- metallic, inorganic, organic coatings, corrosion inhibitors.
Fuels: Classification, calorific value, determination by bomb calorimeter and Dulongs formulae, problems based on calorific value,
characteristics of fuel, types of coal and its analysis. Preparation and properties of metallurgical coke. Liquid fuels, classification,
refining of petroleum, thermal and catalytic cracking, synthetic gasoline, purification of gasoline, knocking, octane and cetane
number, anti knock agents. Gaseous fuels - natural gas, coal gas, producer gas, water gas. Problems based on combustion of
Cement: Raw materials, composition, method of manufacture : wet and dry process. Properties of cement, setting and hardening
of cement, testing of cement.
Alloys: Introduction, purpose of making alloys, composition. Properties and uses of plain carbon steels and alloy steels - heat
resistant steel, shock resistant steels, magnetic steels, corrosion resistant steels, tool steels. Non Ferrous alloys - Copper(Brass,
Bronze, German Silver), Nickel(Nichrome, Monel), Aluminium (Duralumin, Y-alloy, Magnalium), Lead and Tin (Solders, Brazing
alloys, type metal, wood metal ).
Biotechnology: Introduction, application to waste treatment, energy development, industrial product development, basic ideas of
industrial fermentation.
·  Development of lateral surfaces of solids when cutting plane is perpendicular to H.P. or V.P. including curved cuts.
·  Intersection of surfaces of solids- prism, pyramid, cone or cylinder penetrated by any prism or cylinder.
·  Isometric & Oblique parallel projections, simple block and cylindrical type objects & spheres.
·  Primary auxiliary views of machine parts involving inclined surfaces.
·  Reading of orthographic projections, drawing of missing views & converting into sectional views.
·  Free hand sketches of the following machine elements
1. Rivet heads and riveted joints.
2. Thread profiles of IS V & square threads, metric, buttress, acme, knuckle, I.S. convention of representing
external and internal V and square threads.
3. Bolts- hexagonal, square-prevention of rotation of bolts.
4. Nuts-hexagonal, square, wingnut locking by lock nuts, castle nut, split pin lock plate.
5. Studs- plain- collar.
6. Washer-plain, chamfered & spring washer.
7. Set screws.
8. Foundation bolts-rag, eye.
Kinematics of a particle: Velocity and acceleration in terms of rectangular co-ordinate system. Rectilinear motion, motion along
plane curved path., tangential & normal components of acceleration, acceleration-time, velocity-time graphs and their uses,
projectile motion, simple harmonic motion.
Kinematics of rigid bodies: Translation, pure rotation & plane motion of rigid bodies, link mechanism, instantaneous centre of
rotation for the velocity & velocity diagrams for bodies in plane motion, acceleration in plane motion, relative velocities.
Kinetics of particles and kinetics of rigid bodies: D'Alemberts principle, equation of dynamic equilibrium, linear motion,
curvilinear motion, mass moment of inertia about centroidal axis & about any other axis. D'Alemberts principle for bodies under the
motion of rotation about a fixed axis and plane motion. Application to motion of bars, cylinders, spheres.
Momentum and Energy principles: Linear momentum, principle of conservation of momentum, work done by a force. Workenergy
equation, principle of conservation of energy, potential and kinetic energy & power, impact of solid bodies, elastic impact,
semi elastic and plastic impact.
Mumbai University Bachelor of Engineering COMPUTERS Revised Syllabus
Simple Lifting Machines: Mechanical Advantage, Velocity Ratio & efficiency of the machine, law of machine, condition of
maximum efficiency, self locking of the machine. Following machines will be studied- a) Single purchase crab, b) Double purchase
crab, c) Differential wheel and axle, d) Differential pulley block, e) worm and worm wheel, f) Simple screw jack.
Stress & Strain: Stress, Strain, modulus of elasticity, Bulk modulus, yield stress, ultimate stress, factor of safety, shear stress,
Poissons ratio, Bars of varying section, composite sections, temperature stresses.
Belt Friction: Transmission of power by belts and ropes, centrifugal and initial tension in the belts or ropes. Condition for maximum
power transmission. Flat belts on flat pulleys & ropes on grooved pulleys.
Report Writing: . What is a report, qualities of a report, formats (letter report, memorandum, book report)
Reports. Informative report, analytical report, feasibility report, survey report, current event report.
Project. Practical session, topics to be assigned to group of students for report writing and presentation in class.
Meeting Documentation. Writing of a notice, agenda and minutes of a meeting.
Special types of exposition:
a) Description of objects.
b) Explanation of a process.
c) Giving instructions- oral instructions, written instructions.
·  Flow of control in Pascal, the compound statement, the iterative statement, conditional statements, unconditional
branching, avoidance of unconditional branching.
·  Structured Data types, Arrays and multidimensional arrays, Packed arrays, records and sets.
·  Functions and Subprograms, parameter passing.
·  Debugging and testing, documentation and maintenance.
·  Problem design methods, Top-down modular programming.
·  Additional Data structures, pointers, linked lists, list representations, node, operations on a linked list, binary search trees,
searching the tree, operations on a tree.
AC Circuits: Sinusoidal voltage and current, waveforms, RMS and average value, form factor, crest factor, frequency, periodic
time, behavior of resistance, inductance and capacitance in AC circuit, RLC series and parallel circuit, phasor diagram, resonance,
bandwidth and quality factor.
Polyphase Circuits: Three phase system of voltages and currents, star and delta connection, balanced three phase circuit,
relationship between line and phase currents and voltages, phasor diagram, power in three phase circuits, measurement of power
by one wattmeter, two wattmeter and three wattmeter methods.
Transformers: Construction of single phase transformers, function and working principle, development of equivalent circuit, phasor
diagram, O.C. and S.C. tests, efficiency and regulation, all day efficiency, condition for maximum efficiency.
Semiconductor Electronics: PN diode construction, characteristics, effect of temperature on diode, rectification using diodes, C,
L, LC and PI filters. BJT construction, characteristics, CE, CB and CC configuration.
9. BASIC WORKSHOP PRACTICE – (For semester I and semester II)
Fitting: Use of setting and fitting tools for chipping, cutting, filling, marking, Center punching, drilling , tapping, die threading.
Carpentry: Use and setting of hand tools like hacksaws, jack planes, chisels and gauges for construction of various joints, wood
turning, modern wood working methods, joining methods.
Welding: Use of welding machine. electric arc welding, edge preparation for welding, types of joints, Sheet metal working and
brazing: use of sheet metal working hand tools, cutting, bending, spot welding and brazing.
Forging and Smithy: Use and setting of hand tools such as hammers, chisels, flat and swages, use of hearth, anvil etc.
Machine tools and machining processes: Lathes, milling machines, drilling machines, grinding machines, operations such as turning,
milling, grinding and drilling.


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Syllabus - Second Year - Computer Science and Engineering - SNDTU


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2010 -2011
Applied Mathematics - III

Semester: III                Lect: 4Hr
Branch:ENC/CST/IT                                                                                        Credit: 04
Definition, properties with regards to summation, differentiation and integration.  Laplace transform of standard functions.  Theorems on Laplace transform, Shifting properties. Laplace transform of    t f(t),  f(t) / t.
Laplace transform of derivative of a function, integral of a function.
Evaluation of inverse Laplace transform (by standard formulae and partial fraction method)
Laplace transform of periodic functions, step functions and its derivatives.
Convolution integral and its application in finding the inverse Laplace transform.
Solving differential equation by Laplace transform. Applications in Engg.
Orthogonal functions, expression of a function in a series of orthogonal functions.
Fourier series, definition and condition for its existence, Evaluation of Fourier Coefficients.
Even and Odd functions, Evaluation of Fourier series of even and odd functions
Half range sine and cosine series.  Parseval’s theorem and its relations.
Complex form of Fourier series, Introduction to Fourier integrals, Fourier transform, Sine transform, Cosine transform-properties and its elementary applications. 
Parseval’s identity and evaluation of definite integrals by using it. Applications in Engg.


3.     COMPLEX VARIABLES                             
Complex number, representation in Cartesian, Polar and exponential forms.  De Moiver’s Theorem and its application to complex numbers. Complex variable (and variables). Continuity, Differentiability of functions of complex variables.  Necessary and sufficient conditions for a function to be analytic (Cauchy Riemann Equations in cartesian and polar co-ordinates with proof).  Determining the function of a complex variable f(z) from its real and imaginary parts using Cauchy Riemann Equations. Applications in Engg.
4. MAPPING                               
Conformal mapping and bilinear mapping Geometrical interpretations of mapping.  Concept of line integral and its relation with Riemann integral.  Concept of point function and path independent functions.  Contour integral.  Cauchy’s theorem for analytic functions and its applications for multiply connected domains. Cauchy’s integral formula and nth derivative of a complex function Morera’s theorem, maximum modulus theorem (Statements and proof’s).  Taylor’s and Lorents development of a functions of a complex variable.  Singularities – isolated essential singularity and non isolated singularity.  Poles, evaluation of residues.  Residue theorem and its application to evaluate real integrals. Applications in Engg.
1. B. S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, 34th edition, Khanna Publishers, 1998. (Rs. 170).
2. Edwin Kreyszig, Advance Engg. Mathematics, 5th Edition, New Age International (P) Ltd; 1997. (Rs. 295/-)
3. P.N.Wartikar & J. N. Wartikar, Elements of Applied Mathematics, 1st edition, Pune Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan, 1995. (rs. 110/-)
Digital Logic Circuits

Semester: III                                 Lect: 4 Hr
Branch:  ENC / CST / IT                                                                                       Credit: 04
Concept of Digital & Analog Circuit
Diodes & Transistors as ‘Switch’ in Digital Circuits, Applications of Digital Logic Circuits, Positive Logic & Negative Logic.
Number Systems & Conversions
Decimal, Binary, Octal & Hexadecimal, Double – Dabble, Hex-Dabble, Octal Dabble & Streamlined Methods of Interconversions.
Representation of Negative Numbers
 Signed – Magnitude Method
 1’s Complement Method
 2’s Complement Method
Arithmetic operations on binary number system, addition, subtraction, multiplication & division. Hexadecimal addition & subtraction. Octal addition & subtraction. 9’s complement & 10’s complement methods.
Special Codes
Weighted & non-weighted codes. Standard 8421 code, XS-3 code & gray code.  XS-3 code numbers addition, gray to binary & binary to gray conversions.  Concept of parity, odd & even parity.  Error detecting methods: parity & forbidden group.
Logic Gates
OR, AND, NOT, NOR, NAND, X-OR gates EX-NOR.  Truth-tables & their equivalent Ckts.  Using switches diodes & transistors.
NAND & NOR as universal gates.
N-OR gate as parity checker & parity generator.  Realization of Boolean expression using gates.
De Morgan’s Theorems
Realization of De Morgan’s theorems using gates.
Reduction Techniques
1) Laws of Boolean algebra
2) K-map reduction techniques
     SOP & POS using universal gates.
     (concept of minterms & maxterms)
     K-map using two, three, four & five variables.
     Duality Theorem
     K-map reduction techniques : pairs, quads, octets, rolling, overlapping etc.
Quine-Maclusky method .
Combinational Circuits (Data Processing Circuits)
Encoders & Decoders
2 : 4,  3 : 8 encoder BCD to decimal
decoder, IC7445, IC74154
Decoder drivers: 7-segment display (MAN-72)
IC 7446, IC 7447 & IC 7448.
Encoders: Decimal to BCD encoder IC 74147.
Multiplexers & Demultiplexes
IC 74150, IC 74151 & IC 74155
Their applications (Boolean function simplification using mux & demux)
Arithmetic Circuits
Half-adder, full adder, half subtractor, full subtractor
B421 adder – subtractor, BCD adder subtractor, XS-3 adder, 4-bit parallel binary adder-subtractor (without using k-maps).
8421 adder-subtractor using IC 7483.BCD adder using IC 7483,XS-3 adder using IC 7483.
Sequential Circuits
Flip-flops R-S, Æ’Æ’, Æ’K Æ’Æ’, D Æ’Æ’, T Æ’Æ’, master slave JK Æ’Æ’ their properties & truth tables conversion of one type of Æ’Æ’ into another without using K-maps.  Timing diagrams IC 7474, IC 7446.
Applications of flip-flops:
Principles of working of a 3-bit ripple counter, synchronous counter, preset table counter, mod-3,mod-6,mod-5,mod-7, mod-10, and mod-12, using decoding gates.
Ring counter,Twisted ring counter.Glitch and gating of a counter.
IC 7490, IC 7493, IC 7495, IC 74193.
Shift Registers
Principle of working of buffer register, shift-left, shift-right register.
Four types of register: SISO, SIPO, PISO, PIPO,Typical shift register.Mode controlled shift register.
Classification and characteristics of memories.
Methods of address decoding, memory cells.
RAM memories:-TTL RAM,NMOS RAM,Dynamic RAM.
TTL Logic family.
Their principles of working, critical values for I/P, O/P vtg. Levels, curr. Sinking & sourcing, fan-out, noise immunity.
Study of basic 2-i/p TTL NAND gate and its transfer characteristics..
Reference Books:
1. William Gotmann, “Digital Electronics – An Introduction to theory & Practice”, 2nd edition, Rs.110/-
2. Malvino Leach, “Digital Principles & Applications”, 4th edition.
3. R. P. Jain, “Modern Digital Electronics” 2nd edition, Rs.150/-.
Discrete Structures and Combinatorics
Semester: III                Lect: 4 Hr
Branch: CST                                                                                                          Credit: 04
• Logic: Introduction, statement and notations.
Connectives: conjunction, disjunction, negation, statement formulas and truth table, conditional, bi-conditional, well formed formulas, tautology, contradiction, laws of logic’s, equivalence of formulas, duality law, tautological implication, formulas with distinct truth table, other connectives such as XOR, NAND, NOR.
Normal forms: disjunctive normal form, conjunctive normal form, principal disjunctive normal form, principal conjunctive normal form, ordering and uniqueness of normal forms. Principle of mathematical induction.
Predicate calculus: predicates, the statement functions, variables, universal and existential quantifiers, predicate formulas, free and bound variables, the universe of discourse.
• Set Theory: Introduction, basic concept of set theory, set notation and description, inclusion and equality of sets, finite and infinite set, null set, power set.
Basic set operations such as intersection, union, relative and absolute complement, Cartesian product, and symmetric difference. Disjoint sets, partitions of a set, Venn diagram.
Methods of proof for sets: by using example, by using Venn diagram, by using set membership tables, by using definitions. Laws of set theory, proof using previously proven theorem, proofs using indirect method.
• Counting: permutations and combinations, the pigeonhole principle, elements of probability, recurrence relations.
• Relations: Basic definition, relation notation, and set arising from relations.
Properties of relation: reflexive, irreflexive, symmetric, asymmetric, anti-symmetric, transitive.
Relation matrix and graphs of relation: paths in relation and digraph, composition of paths, identification of properties of relations from relation matrix and graph.
Equivalence relation: definition, determination of equivalence relation from partitions, equivalence classes, properties of equivalence classes.
Manipulation of relations: Boolean product of relation matrices, inverse of a relation, composition of a relation, inverse of a composite relation, complementary relation.
Closures: reflexive, symmetric and transitive closure of a relation, transitive closure by Warshall’s algorithm.
• Functions: definition, image of a function, and restriction of function to a set.
Special types of functions: injective, surjective, bijective, invertible, identity, floor, ceiling, and characteristic function of a set, composition of functions.
Permutation function: definition, different properties.
Growth of a function: Big O notation, big  relation and rules of determining  classes of a function.
• Algebraic structure: binary and n-ary operations on a set, representation of binary operation by composite table, properties of binary operations.
Algebraic system: definition, some simple algebraic system, and properties of algebraic system such as homomorphism, epimorphism, monomorphism, isomorphism, and endomorphism. Direct product of algebra, congruence relation.
Semigroups and monoids: definition, notation, product of partition, cyclic monoid, different properties of semigroup and monoid such as homomorphism, epimorphism, monomorphism, isomorphism, endomorphism, automorphism implications of homomorphism.
Product and quotient of Semigroups: congruence relation, quotients of semigroups, and direct product of semigroups, Subsemigroup and submonoid.
Groups: definition, notation, order of a group, abelian group, cyclic group, subgroup, proper subgroup, group homomorphism, kernel of the homomorphism, Cosets and LaGrange’s Theorem, normal subgroups, product of groups, quotients of groups.
Ring: definition, properties, ring homomorphism, field.
• Lattice and Boolean algebra: Partial order relation, poset, comparable and incomparable elements, linear ordering, totally order set or chain, lexicographic order, cover of an element, Hasse diagram, different features of Hasse diagram, topological sorting, isomorphism between two poset, extremal elements of posets such as minimal, maximal, least, greatest, upper bound, lower bound, least upper bound, greatest lower bound.
Lattice: Definition, properties of lattice, sublattice, direct product of lattices, lattice homomorphism, isomorphism, endomorphism, automorphism, order preserving, order isomorphism, complete lattice, bounded lattice, complemented lattice, distributive lattice.
Boolean algebra: definition, properties of Boolean algebra, sub algebra, direct product of Boolean algebra, Boolean functions as Boolean polynomials.
• Graphs and Trees: Introduction, definition, applications of graph, finite and infinite graph, incidence and degree, isolate vertex, pendant vertex, null graph.
Paths and Circuits: isomorphism, subgraphs, and coloring of a graph, component of a graph, Euler graph, and operation on graphs, Hamiltonian paths and circuits.
Trees and fundamental circuits: definition, properties of trees, pendant vertices in tree, distance and centers in tree, rooted and binary tree, on counting tree, undirected tree, spanning tree, fundamental circuits, finding all spanning trees of a graph, spanning trees in a weighted graph (Prim’s and Kruskal’s algorithm).
• References:
1. J. P. Tremblay, and R. Manohar, Discrete mathematical structures with applications to computer science, Tata McGraw Hill, 
2. Bernard Kolman, Robert C. Busby, and Sharon Ross, Discrete mathematical structures, 4th edition, PHI, 2002. (Rs. 195/-)
3. Narsing Deo, Graph theory and applications to engineering and computer science, PHI, 1999. (Rs. 150/-)
4. Alan Doerr and Kenneth Levasseur, Applied discrete structures for computer science, Galgotia Publication, 1998. (Rs- 176/-)
5. C. L. Liu, Elements of Discrete Mathematics, 2nd edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2000. (Rs. 175/-)
6. Frank Harary, Graph theory, Narosa Publication, 1998. (Rs. 135/-)
7. Douglas B. West, Introduction to graph theory, PHI, 1999. (Rs- 195/-)

Design & Analysis of Algorithms

Semester: III                 Lect: 4Hr
Branch: CST / IT                                                                                                    Credit: 04
1. Introduction
Algorithm , Different study area’s in algorithm, Asymptotic notations.
2. Elementary Data Structures
Stack, queue and circular queues, insertion & deletion algotithm for stack, queue and circular queue, trees, Binary trees, Heap, different algorithm for creation of heap analysis of different algorithm for creation of heap, heapsort, Sets and disjoint set union, different algorithm for  finding union of two sets and find the root of the tree, Graphs, Hashing, Hash function, Overflow handling, Collision handling ,Linear hashing, Hashing with chaining.
3. Divide & Conquer
The general method, control abstraction for divide and conquer, Iterative form of divide and conquer control abstraction, Binary search, different algorithms for binary search, Finding the maximum & minimum, analysis of  maxmin, Straightforward & Recursive algorithm, Mergesort, recursive algorithm for mergesort, analysis of mergesort, Quicksort, analysis of quicksort, sorting by partitioning, Selection, analysis of select, slection of element using median of median rule, Strassen’s matrix multiplication, and its analysis.
4. The Greedy Method
The general method, control abstraction, Optimal storage on tapes, Knapsack problem, algorithm for greedy_knapsack, Job sequencing with deadlines, A faster implementation of job sequencing, Algorithm for JS & FJS, Optimal merge patterns, Minimum spanning trees, Prim’s & Kruskal’s algorithm, Single source shortest paths algorithm.
5. Dynamic programming
The general method, principle of optimality, Multistage graphs, Algorithm for forward & backward approach, All pairs shortest paths, Optimal binary search trees, 0/1-knapsack, Reliability design, The travelling salesperson problem, Flow shop scheduling.
6. Basic Search and Traversal Techniques
Binary tree traversal: Inorder, Preorder, Postorder traversal algorithms, Nonrecursive algorithm for inorder traversal, Tree traversal, Search and traversal techniques for graphs such as BFS, BFT, DFS, DFT, Code optimization, Code generation algorithm for machine A & B, AND / OR graphs, algorithm for determining the AND / OR tree T is solvable, breadth first generation of a solution tree, Game trees, post order evaluation of a game tree using different methods, Biconnected components and depth first search.
7. Backtracking
The general method, recursive backtracking algorithm, estimating the efficiency of backtracking, The 8–queens problem, Sum of subsets, recursive backtracking algorithm, Graph coloring, algorithm for finding m-colorings of a graph and generating a next color, Hamiltonian cycles, algorithm for generating a next vertex and finding all hamiltonian cycles, Knapsack problem, algorithm for a bounding function and backtracking solution to the 0/1 knapsack, modified knapsack algorithm.
8. Branch-and-Bound
The Method, LC-search, control abstraction for LC-Search, properties of LC-Search, LC-Search for least cost answer node, The 15-puzzle problem, Bounding, a FIFO branch and bound algorithm for job sequencing problem,  LC Branch-and-bound, LC branch and bound to find minimum cost answer node, Zero-one-knapsack problem, function u( . ) for knapsack problem, LC branch and bound solution, algorithm to compute lower and upper bounds, algorithm for creating a new node and printing the answer, LC branch and bound algorithm for knapsack problem, FIFO branch and bound solution, reduction algorithm for knapsack problem, Traveling salesperson .
1. Ellis Horowitz, and Sartaj Sahani, Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms, Galgotia, 1999. (Rs. 195/-)
2. Aho, Hopcroft, Ullman, Data Structures and Algorithms, Addison-Wesley, 2000. (Rs. 225/-)
3. Knuth, Fundamentals of Algorithms, 2nd edition, Narosa Publication, 1998.        (Rs. 185/-)
4. Kruse, Leung, Tondo, Data Structure and Program Design in C, Pearson Education, 2001. (Rs. 250/-)
5. Aho, Hopcroft, Ullman, Design and analysis of Algorithm, Addison-Wesley, 2000. (Rs. 251/-)
6. David Harrel, Algorithmics-The spirit of computing, 2nd edition, Addison-Wesley, 2000. (Rs. 275/-)
7. Herbert S. Wilf, Algorithms and Complexity, PHI, 1986. (Rs. 205/-)
8. S. E. Goodman and S. T. Hedetniemi, Introduction to the sesign and analysis of algoritms, McGraw Hill, 1988. (Rs. 371/-)
9. Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Introduction to algorithms, PHI, 1988. (rs. 275/-)
10. Sara Baase, Alan Van Gelder, Computer algorithms introduction to design and analysis, 3rd edidtion, Addison-Wesley, 2000. (Rs. 325/-)
11. Gilles Brassard, Paul Bratley, Fundamentals of algorithmics, 4th edition, PHI, 2000. (Rs. 225/-)

Computer Architecture & Organization

Semester: IV                           Lect: 4 Hr
Branch: ENC / CST / IT                                                                                        Credit: 04
Introduction: Brief history of computers, basic building blocks of computer, organization & architecture, structure & functions, evolution of Pentium & power PC, various generations of computer evolutions, impact of VLSI on computer systems.
Buses: Concept of buses, types of buses, concept of system bus, overview of various bus architectures used in computer, Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) bus, interconnection structures and bus interconnection, Bus control logic, bus arbitration techniques.
Internal memory: Concept of memory, size, unit, and its organization, computer memory systems overview, hierarchy of memory in computer, memory device characteristics, random access memory, serial access memory, multilevel memories, address translation, memory allocation, advanced DRAM organization.
Cache memory: – concept of cache, performance of cache, types of cache architectures, memory mapping techniques, and page replacement policies
External memory: Construction and working principles of magnetic memories, magnetic disk, hard disk, magnetic tape, optical memory.
I/O Devices: Role of I/O devices in computer, overview of commonly used I/O devices such as keyboard, VDU, mouse. External devices, I/O module and its organization, various data transfer techniques – Programmed I/O, Interrupt driven I/O, Direct memory access (DMA), I/O channels and I/O Processors.
Operating System Support: Operating system overview, role of operating systems in computer, scheduling, memory management, concept of virtual memory.
CPU Organisation: The role of CPU, functions of CPU, CPU structure and CPU functions, processor organization, register organization inside CPU, instruction cycle, instruction pipelining, branch penalty, branch prediction, overview of Pentium processor
Data path design: Concept of data processing unit, Fixed-point arithmetic: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Designing aspects related to arithmetic operations, combinational ALU and sequential ALU, advanced ALU.
Control Circuit Design: Basic concepts related to control unit, types and design of control circuit such as micro-programmed control unit, and hard wired control unit, microinstruction formats, microinstruction sequencing, microinstruction execution, applications of microprogramming.
System Organisation: Use of computer in commutations, serial communications and parallel communication, network topologies, LAN and WAN in brief, various ways to improve the speed of computer, concept of parallel processing, Flynn’s classification of parallel computers, benefits of parallel processing, multiprocessing.
1. William Stallings, Computer Organization and Architecture, 4th Edition, PHI, 1998. (Rs. 325/-)
2. John P Hayes, Computer Architecture and Organization, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill, 1998. (Rs. 314/-)
3. Andrew C. Tanenbaum, Structured Computer Organization, 3rd Edition, PHI.         (Rs. 150/-)
4. M. Morris Maw, Computer System Architecture, 3rd Edition, PHI, 1998. (Rs. 150/-)
Operating System
Semester: IV                Lect: 4 Hr
Branch:  CST                                                                                                         Credit: 04
Chapter 1 : Introduction
1.1 Evolution of operating systems
1.1.1 Serial Processing
1.1.2 Batch Processing
1.1.3 Multiprogramming
1.2 Types of   operating systems
1.2.1 Batch operating systems
1.2.2 Multiprogramming operating systems
                                                   1.2.3    Time – sharing systems
                                                   1.2.4     Real – time system
Chapter 2 : Processes
                      2.1 The process concept
                      2.2 Process scheduling
                               2.2.1 Process control block (PCB)
                               2.2.2 Process State Transitions
                               2.2.3 Process scheduling queue
                     2.3   Operations on processes
                               2.3.1    Process creation
2.3.2 Process suspend/resume
2.3.3 Process termination                         
    2.4    Cooperating Processes
    2.5   Interprocess Communication
Chapter 3 : CPU Scheduling
                       3.1 Types of Schedulers
                                 The long – term scheduler
                                 The medium – term scheduler
                                 The short-term scheduler
                       3.2 Scheduling Algorithms
                             3.2.1 First-Come – First –Served (FCFS) Scheduling
                             3.2.2 Shortest Remaining Time Next (SRTN) Scheduling
                             3.2.3 Time-Slice Scheduling (Round Robin, RR)
                             3.2.4 SJF
                             3.2.5 Multilevel Queue Scheduling
                             3.2.6 Multilevel feedback Queue Scheduling
Chapter   4 :  Process Synchronization
                     4.1 The critical section problem
                            4.1.1 Mutual Exclusion: First, second, third Algorithm
                     4.2   Synchronization Hardware
                     4.3   Semaphores
4.4 Classic problems of synchronization
4.4.1 The bounded –buffer problem
4.4.2     The readers-writers problem
4.4.3      The Dining –Philosophers problem
                     4.5    Critical Regions
Chapter 5 : Deadlocks
                         5.1 Deadlock Characterization
                         5.2 Methods for handling deadlocks
                         5.3 Deadlock Prevention
                         5.4 Deadlock Avoidance
                         5.5 Deadlock Detection, and Recovery
Chapter 6 :  Memory Management: Contiguous Allocation
                      6.1 Address Binding
                      6.2 Logical – versus physical – address space
                      6.3 Dynamic Loading
                      6.4 Swapping
                      6.5 Contiguous Memory allocation
                      6.6 Memory Protection
                      6.7 Fragmentation
                      6.8 Memory Allocation
                                     First Fit, Best Fit, Worst Fit Algorithm
Chapter 7 :  Memory Management:  Noncontiguous Allocation
                     7.1 Paging
                           7.1.1 Page Allocation
                           7.1.2 Hardware Support for paging
                           7.1.3 Protection and sharing
                    7.2 Segmentation
                    7.3 Segmentation with Paging
                    7.4 Virtual Memory
                           7.4.1 Demand Paging
                           7.4.2 Process creation
                           7.4.3 Page replacement
                          FIFO page replacement
                          Optimal page replacement
                          LRU page replacement
                  7.5 Page Fault
Chapter 8 : File Management
                      8.1 File Concept
                      8.2 Access Methods
                      8.3 Directory Structure
                      8.4 Disk Space Management              
                      8.5 File sharing
1. Peter Galvin, Silbreschatz, Gagne, Operating system concept, Sixth Edition, WSE Wiley publication. (Rs.459)
2. H. M. Deitel, Operating Systems, Second Edition, Addison Wesley, (Rs.253.60/-)
3. William Stalling, Operating System, Second Edition, PHI publication. (Rs.250/-)
4. Charles Crowley, Operating Systems A design oriented approach, Tata McGraw Hill. (Rs.275/-)
5. Tanenbaum, Modern operating system, PHI. (Rs.195/-)                                                  
Numerical Methods
Semester: IV                Lect: 4 Hr
Branch: ENC/ CST / IT                                                                                         Cedit: 04
Computer Arithmetic: Floating-point representation of numbers, arithmetic operations with normalized floating point numbers, consequences, and errors in numbers, Binary representation of numbers, conversions and conclusions.
Iterative Methods: Introduction, starting an iterative method, method of successive bisection, False-position method, Newton Raphson method, Secant method, Successive approximation method, comparison of iterative methods, solution of non-linear equations
(By Newton Raphson method)
Solution Of Simultaneous Algebraic Equations: Introduction, Gauss-elimination method, pivoting, Gauss-seidel iterative method, comparison of direct and iterative methods.
Interpolation: Introduction, Lagrange’s interpolation, difference tables, and truncation error in interpolation.
Least Squares Approximation Of Functions: Introduction, fitting a straight line, polynomial regression, fitting geometric and exponential functions, multiple linear regressions.
Approximation Of Functions: Introduction, Taylor series representation         
Differentiation: Introduction, formulae for numerical differentiation, numerical integration, Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s 1/3 rd and 3/8 th rules, Gaussian quadrature formulae, comparison of integration formulae.
Numerical Solution Of Differential Equations: Introduction, Euler’s method, Taylor series method, Runge-kutta (R-K) second & fourth order formulae, Predictor-corrector (P-C) method, higher order differential equations, comparison of R-K and P-C methods.
Linear Programming: Transportation problems, PERT/CPM
1. E. Balagurusamy, Numerical Methods, Tata McGraw- Hill, 2001. (Rs.150/-)
2. S. S. Sastry, Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis, 2nd Edition, PHI, 1997. (Rs. 75/-)
3. V. Rajaraman, Computer Oriented Numerical Methods, 3rd Edition, PHI, 1997.     (Rs. 59/-)
4. John H. Mathews, Numerical Methods for Mathematics, Science & Engineering, 2nd Edition, PHI, 1998. (Rs. 175/-)
Object Oriented Programming
Semester: IV                Lect: 4 Hr
Branch: CST / IT                                                                                                   Credit: 04
Introduction: Evolution of programming paradigms, procedural programming, basic features of object oriented programming such as encapsulation, data hiding, data abstraction, inheritance, message passing, dynamic binding, generic programming, benefits of OOPS.
Tokens, expression, and control structures: Structure of C++ program, introduction to tokens, keywords, identifiers, basic data types, derived data types, declaration of variables, various control structures such as sequence, selection, and loop.
Operators in C++: Scope resolution operators, de-referencing operator, and memory management operators.
Console I/O: Streams, predefined streams, hierarchy of stream classes, unformatted and formatted console I/O operations, user defined manipulators, insertion and extraction, operators.
Functions in C++: Introduction, advantages of functions, function components such as function prototyping, function definition, function call, function parameters, and function return, passing data to a function, function returns data type, parameter passing techniques such as call by value, call by address, and call by reference, return by reference, inline functions, default arguments, function overloading, function overriding.
Pointers: pointer definition, de-referencing of pointer, parameter passing, void pointer, precedence of * and [ ] operators, pointer to function, pointer to constant object, constant pointer, wild pointers.
Classes and objects: Introduction to classes and objects, programming with member functions and classes, access specifiers such as public, protected, and private, constant member function, static data members, static member functions, local classes, friend function, and friend classes.
Constructor and destructor: Definition of constructor and destructor, benefits of constructors, default constructor, default argument constructor, dynamic initialization, dynamic constructor, copy constructor, parameterized constructor, constructor overloading, constant objects, dynamic objects, pointer to object definition, creation and deletion of dynamic objects, reference to an object, live objects, array of objects, pointer to object members, accessing members through objects, and object pointers, function set_new_handler ( ), this pointer.
Operator overloading and data conversion: Operator overloading, rules for overloading operators, syntax, process of operator overloading, unary operator overloading, binary operator overloading, data conversion, conversion between user defined data type to basic data type, conversion between basic data type to user defined data type, overloading of special operator such as subscript, function call, member access, comma, assignment, new and delete operators, overloading with friend functions, benefits of operator overloading.
Inheritance: Introduction, derived class declaration, visibility of class members, different types of inheritances such as single, multiple, hierarchical, multilevel, hybrid, multipath, inheritance and member accessibility, constructor in derived class, order of invocation of constructor, destructor in derived class, constructor invocation and data member initialization, ambiguity in member access, virtual base class, object composition and delegation, relationship between classes such as is-kind-of, is-analogous-of, and is-part-of.
Virtual Function: Introduction, pointer to derived class, array of pointers to derived class, pure virtual function, abstract class, virtual destructors, dynamic binding.
Generic programming: Introduction, generic functions, syntax, overloading function template, class template, syntax, class template with multiple arguments, inheritance of class template, class template containership, class template with overloaded operators.
Coupling and Cohesion: Definition, varieties of coupling, varieties of cohesion, and the law of Demeter.
Collaborations: Definition, finding collaborations, different types of relationships used in collaborations such as is-part-of, has-knowledge-of, depends-upon.
File Handling: Introduction, classes for stream operation, opening and closing of file, file I/O with fstream classes, file pointer manipulators, file modes.
Exception Handling: Different techniques of building reliable models such as fault avoidance and fault tolerance, error handling, types of exceptions such as synchronous and asynchronous, exception handling model, exception handling constructs such as throw, catch, and try, handler throwing same exception again, list of exceptions, raising an unspecified exception, exceptions in no-exception function, catch all exceptions, method of handling uncaught exceptions, exception in constructors, destructors, operator overloaded function, inheritance tree, and class template, fault tolerant design techniques such as N-version programming and recovery block.

1. Rebecca Wirfs-Brock, Brian Wilkerson, Lauren Wiener, Designing Object Oriented Software, PHI, 2000, (Rs. 150/-)
2. Timonthy Budd, An Introduction to Object Oriented Programming, Pearson Education, 2000. (Rs. 275/-)
3. Venugopal, Rajkumar, Ravishankar, Master in C++, Tata McGraw Hill, 2001.       (Rs. 235/-)
4. Herbert Schildt, The complete reference C++, 2nd edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2000.              (Rs. 325/-)
5. Bjarne Stroustroup, the C++ programming language, 3rd edition, Addison-Wesley, 1997. (Rs. 508/-)
6. Cohoon, Davidson, C++ program design, 3rd edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 1999.              (Rs. 295/-)
7. Robert Lafore, Object oriented programming in Turbo C++, 3rd edition, Galgotia Publication, 2001, (Rs. 320/-)
8. Gary J. Bronson, A first book of C++, 2nd edition, Books / Cole publishing company, 2001. (Rs. 342/-)
9. D. Ravichandran, Programming with C++, Tata McGraw Hill, 2001 (Rs. 190/-)
10. Deitel and Deitel, C++ how to program, 2nd, Prentice Hall, 1998. (Rs. 650/-)
11. E. Balagurusamy, Object oriented programming with C++, 2nd edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2000. (Rs. 165/-)



Applied Mathematics - III

Semester: III                Lect: 4Hr
Branch:ENC/CST/IT                                                                                        Credit: 04



Definition, properties with regards to summation, differentiation and integration.  Laplace transform of standard functions.  Theorems on Laplace transform, Shifting properties. Laplace transform of    t f(t),  f(t) / t.
Laplace transform of derivative of a function, integral of a function.
Evaluation of inverse Laplace transform (by standard formulae and partial fraction method)
Laplace transform of periodic functions, step functions and its derivatives.
Convolution integral and its application in finding the inverse Laplace transform.
Solving differential equation by Laplace transform. Applications in Engg.

Orthogonal functions, expression of a function in a series of orthogonal functions.
Fourier series, definition and condition for its existence, Evaluation of Fourier Coefficients.
Even and Odd functions, Evaluation of Fourier series of even and odd functions
Half range sine and cosine series.  Parseval’s theorem and its relations.
Complex form of Fourier series, Introduction to Fourier integrals, Fourier transform, Sine transform, Cosine transform-properties and its elementary applications. 
Parseval’s identity and evaluation of definite integrals by using it. Applications in Engg.


Complex number, representation in Cartesian, Polar and exponential forms.  De Moiver’s Theorem and its application to complex numbers. Complex variable (and variables). Continuity, Differentiability of functions of complex variables.  Necessary and sufficient conditions for a function to be analytic (Cauchy Riemann Equations in cartesian and polar co-ordinates with proof).  Determining the function of a complex variable f(z) from its real and imaginary parts using Cauchy Riemann Equations. Applications in Engg.

Conformal mapping and bilinear mapping Geometrical interpretations of mapping.  Concept of line integral and its relation with Riemann integral.  Concept of point function and path independent functions.  Contour integral.  Cauchy’s theorem for analytic functions and its applications for multiply connected domains. Cauchy’s integral formula and nth derivative of a complex function Morera’s theorem, maximum modulus theorem (Statements and proof’s).  Taylor’s and Lorents development of a functions of a complex variable.  Singularities – isolated essential singularity and non isolated singularity.  Poles, evaluation of residues.  Residue theorem and its application to evaluate real integrals. Applications in Engg.


1. B. S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, 34th edition, Khanna Publishers, 1998. (Rs. 170).
2. Edwin Kreyszig, Advance Engg. Mathematics, 5th Edition, New Age International (P) Ltd; 1997. (Rs. 295/-)
3. P.N.Wartikar & J. N. Wartikar, Elements of Applied Mathematics, 1st edition, Pune Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan, 1995. (rs. 110/-)

Knol References

Discrete Structures and Combinatorics

Semester: III                Lect: 4 Hr
Branch: CST                                                                                                          Credit: 04

• Logic: Introduction, statement and notations.
Connectives: conjunction, disjunction, negation, statement formulas and truth table, conditional, bi-conditional, well formed formulas, tautology, contradiction, laws of logic’s, equivalence of formulas, duality law, tautological implication, formulas with distinct truth table, other connectives such as XOR, NAND, NOR.
Normal forms: disjunctive normal form, conjunctive normal form, principal disjunctive normal form, principal conjunctive normal form, ordering and uniqueness of normal forms. Principle of mathematical induction.
Predicate calculus: predicates, the statement functions, variables, universal and existential quantifiers, predicate formulas, free and bound variables, the universe of discourse.

• Set Theory: Introduction, basic concept of set theory, set notation and description, inclusion and equality of sets, finite and infinite set, null set, power set.

Basic set operations such as intersection, union, relative and absolute complement, Cartesian product, and symmetric difference. Disjoint sets, partitions of a set, Venn diagram.
Methods of proof for sets: by using example, by using Venn diagram, by using set membership tables, by using definitions. Laws of set theory, proof using previously proven theorem, proofs using indirect method.

• Counting: permutations and combinations, the pigeonhole principle, elements of probability, recurrence relations.

• Relations: Basic definition, relation notation, and set arising from relations.
Properties of relation: reflexive, irreflexive, symmetric, asymmetric, anti-symmetric, transitive.
Relation matrix and graphs of relation: paths in relation and digraph, composition of paths, identification of properties of relations from relation matrix and graph.
Equivalence relation: definition, determination of equivalence relation from partitions, equivalence classes, properties of equivalence classes.
Manipulation of relations: Boolean product of relation matrices, inverse of a relation, composition of a relation, inverse of a composite relation, complementary relation.
Closures: reflexive, symmetric and transitive closure of a relation, transitive closure by Warshall’s algorithm.

• Functions: definition, image of a function, and restriction of function to a set.
Special types of functions: injective, surjective, bijective, invertible, identity, floor, ceiling, and characteristic function of a set, composition of functions.
Permutation function: definition, different properties.
Growth of a function: Big O notation, big  relation and rules of determining  classes of a function.

• Algebraic structure: binary and n-ary operations on a set, representation of binary operation by composite table, properties of binary operations.
Algebraic system: definition, some simple algebraic system, and properties of algebraic system such as homomorphism, epimorphism, monomorphism, isomorphism, and endomorphism. Direct product of algebra, congruence relation.
Semigroups and monoids: definition, notation, product of partition, cyclic monoid, different properties of semigroup and monoid such as homomorphism, epimorphism, monomorphism, isomorphism, endomorphism, automorphism implications of homomorphism.
Product and quotient of Semigroups: congruence relation, quotients of semigroups, and direct product of semigroups, Subsemigroup and submonoid.
Groups: definition, notation, order of a group, abelian group, cyclic group, subgroup, proper subgroup, group homomorphism, kernel of the homomorphism, Cosets and LaGrange’s Theorem, normal subgroups, product of groups, quotients of groups.
Ring: definition, properties, ring homomorphism, field.

• Lattice and Boolean algebra: Partial order relation, poset, comparable and incomparable elements, linear ordering, totally order set or chain, lexicographic order, cover of an element, Hasse diagram, different features of Hasse diagram, topological sorting, isomorphism between two poset, extremal elements of posets such as minimal, maximal, least, greatest, upper bound, lower bound, least upper bound, greatest lower bound.
Lattice: Definition, properties of lattice, sublattice, direct product of lattices, lattice homomorphism, isomorphism, endomorphism, automorphism, order preserving, order isomorphism, complete lattice, bounded lattice, complemented lattice, distributive lattice.
Boolean algebra: definition, properties of Boolean algebra, sub algebra, direct product of Boolean algebra, Boolean functions as Boolean polynomials.

• Graphs and Trees: Introduction, definition, applications of graph, finite and infinite graph, incidence and degree, isolate vertex, pendant vertex, null graph.
Paths and Circuits: isomorphism, subgraphs, and coloring of a graph, component of a graph, Euler graph, and operation on graphs, Hamiltonian paths and circuits.
Trees and fundamental circuits: definition, properties of trees, pendant vertices in tree, distance and centers in tree, rooted and binary tree, on counting tree, undirected tree, spanning tree, fundamental circuits, finding all spanning trees of a graph, spanning trees in a weighted graph (Prim’s and Kruskal’s algorithm).


1. J. P. Tremblay, and R. Manohar, Discrete mathematical structures with applications to computer science, Tata McGraw Hill, 
2. Bernard Kolman, Robert C. Busby, and Sharon Ross, Discrete mathematical structures, 4th edition, PHI, 2002. (Rs. 195/-)
3. Narsing Deo, Graph theory and applications to engineering and computer science, PHI, 1999. (Rs. 150/-)
4. Alan Doerr and Kenneth Levasseur, Applied discrete structures for computer science, Galgotia Publication, 1998. (Rs- 176/-)
5. C. L. Liu, Elements of Discrete Mathematics, 2nd edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2000. (Rs. 175/-)
6. Frank Harary, Graph theory, Narosa Publication, 1998. (Rs. 135/-)
7. Douglas B. West, Introduction to graph theory, PHI, 1999. (Rs- 195/-)

Digital Logic Circuits

Semester: III                                 Lect: 4 Hr
Branch:  ENC / CST / IT                                                                                       Credit: 04

Concept of Digital & Analog Circuit
Diodes & Transistors as ‘Switch’ in Digital Circuits, Applications of Digital Logic Circuits, Positive Logic & Negative Logic.
Number Systems & Conversions
Decimal, Binary, Octal & Hexadecimal, Double – Dabble, Hex-Dabble, Octal Dabble & Streamlined Methods of Interconversions.
Representation of Negative Numbers
 Signed – Magnitude Method
 1’s Complement Method
 2’s Complement Method
Arithmetic operations on binary number system, addition, subtraction, multiplication & division. Hexadecimal addition & subtraction. Octal addition & subtraction. 9’s complement & 10’s complement methods.
Special Codes
Weighted & non-weighted codes. Standard 8421 code, XS-3 code & gray code.  XS-3 code numbers addition, gray to binary & binary to gray conversions.  Concept of parity, odd & even parity.  Error detecting methods: parity & forbidden group.
Logic Gates
OR, AND, NOT, NOR, NAND, X-OR gates EX-NOR.  Truth-tables & their equivalent Ckts.  Using switches diodes & transistors.
NAND & NOR as universal gates.
N-OR gate as parity checker & parity generator.  Realization of Boolean expression using gates.
De Morgan’s Theorems
Realization of De Morgan’s theorems using gates.
Reduction Techniques
1) Laws of Boolean algebra
2) K-map reduction techniques
     SOP & POS using universal gates.
     (concept of minterms & maxterms)
     K-map using two, three, four & five variables.
     Duality Theorem
     K-map reduction techniques : pairs, quads, octets, rolling, overlapping etc.
Quine-Maclusky method .
Combinational Circuits (Data Processing Circuits)
Encoders & Decoders
2 : 4,  3 : 8 encoder BCD to decimal
decoder, IC7445, IC74154
Decoder drivers: 7-segment display (MAN-72)
IC 7446, IC 7447 & IC 7448.
Encoders: Decimal to BCD encoder IC 74147.
Multiplexers & Demultiplexes
IC 74150, IC 74151 & IC 74155
Their applications (Boolean function simplification using mux & demux)
Arithmetic Circuits
Half-adder, full adder, half subtractor, full subtractor
B421 adder – subtractor, BCD adder subtractor, XS-3 adder, 4-bit parallel binary adder-subtractor (without using k-maps).
8421 adder-subtractor using IC 7483.BCD adder using IC 7483,XS-3 adder using IC 7483.
Sequential Circuits
Flip-flops R-S, Æ’Æ’, Æ’K Æ’Æ’, D Æ’Æ’, T Æ’Æ’, master slave JK Æ’Æ’ their properties & truth tables conversion of one type of Æ’Æ’ into another without using K-maps.  Timing diagrams IC 7474, IC 7446.
Applications of flip-flops:
Principles of working of a 3-bit ripple counter, synchronous counter, preset table counter, mod-3,mod-6,mod-5,mod-7, mod-10, and mod-12, using decoding gates.
Ring counter,Twisted ring counter.Glitch and gating of a counter.
IC 7490, IC 7493, IC 7495, IC 74193.
Shift Registers
Principle of working of buffer register, shift-left, shift-right register.
Four types of register: SISO, SIPO, PISO, PIPO,Typical shift register.Mode controlled shift register.
Classification and characteristics of memories.
Methods of address decoding, memory cells.
RAM memories:-TTL RAM,NMOS RAM,Dynamic RAM.
TTL Logic family.
Their principles of working, critical values for I/P, O/P vtg. Levels, curr. Sinking & sourcing, fan-out, noise immunity.
Study of basic 2-i/p TTL NAND gate and its transfer characteristics..
Reference Books:
1. William Gotmann, “Digital Electronics – An Introduction to theory & Practice”, 2nd edition, Rs.110/-
2. Malvino Leach, “Digital Principles & Applications”, 4th edition.
3. R. P. Jain, “Modern Digital Electronics” 2nd edition, Rs.150/-.

Electrical Network Theory

Semester: III         
Lect: 4 Hr
Branch:ENC                                                                                                   Credit: 04

Graph- oriented, planer, subgraph, concept of tree, Incidence matrix, reduced incidence matrix, Tie- set / fundamental loops of graph, KVL equations for f-loops, rank, Cut-set & its orientation, KCL equations for cut-set, Cut-set matrix, Formulations network equations, Networks with mutual inductances & controlled sources, Duality Concept.Maximum, mini-cut Theorem & Properties.
Transient responses to networks, General & particular solution, R-L & R-C network, Time constant, DC forcing function response, Initial conditions in networks.
RLC network.
State Variable Analysis-
State equations and their formulations, Equivalent source method & topological method, Time-Domain solution of State-Equations.
Laplace Transform and their application to networks.
Z, Y, H, G, ABCD or Transmission parameters, Interconversion of parameters, Condition of reciprocity & Symmetry.
Network functions of some typical networks, Pole- Zero Plot of network functions, restrictions on Pole- Zero locations.
Filter classifications, Mathematical representations of Attenuation, Characteristics Impedance, Attenuation & Phase Constants, Cut-off Frequency.
Equivalent Circuit of transmission lines, Line equations, VSWR, Measurement of various parameters, Transmission line Matrices, Distortions in Transmission Lines, Distortion less line, Characteristics Impedance, Impedance transformation & matching- - single and Double Stub Matching.
Reference Books
1) Gopal Bhise, Prem Chadha, Durgesh Kulshreshta Engineering Network Analysis & Filter Design, 1st Edition, Umesh Publications, 1999. (Rs. 250/-)
2) M.E. Van Valkenberg, Network Analysis, 3rd Edition, PHI, 1997 (Rs 150/-)
3) D Roy Choudhury, Networks & Systems, Fourth Reprint, Wiley Eastern Publications, 1994. (Rs-200/-)
4) Hayt, Kemmerly, Engineering Circuit analysis, Fifth Edition, Tata McGraw Hill 2000. (Rs.275/-)

Electronics Measurement and Instruments

Semester: IV                                       Lect: 4 Hr
Branch: ENC                                                       Credit: 04

1. Measurement and Error
• Definition, Significance, Methods of Measurements
• Accuracy and Precision
• Significant Figures
• Types of Error
• Statistical Analysis
• Probability of Errors
• Phases of Instruments (Mechanical Instruments, Electrical Instruments, Electronics Instruments)
2. Standards of Measurements
• Classification of Standards
• Standards for Mass, Length, and Volume
• Time and Frequency Standards
• Electrical Standards
• Standards of Temperature and Luminous Intensity
• IEEE Standards
3. Bridge Measurements
• Introduction
• Whetstone Bridge
• Kelvin Bridge
• AC Bridge and Their Application
• Maxwell Bridge
• Hay Bridge
• Schering Bridge
• Unbalance Condition
• Wein Bridge
• Electronic DC Voltmeter
• AC Voltmeter (Average Reading Voltmeter, Peak Reading Voltmeter)
• RMS Voltmeter
• Electronic Multimeter
• Ohm-Meter
• Series Type Ohm-Meter
• Shunt Type Ohm-Meter
• DC Ammeters
• Suspension Galvanometer (D’ Arsonval Galvanometer
• Permanent Magnet Moving Coil Instrument (PMMC Galvanometer)
5. Q-Meter
• Basic Q-Meter Circuit
• Measurement Methods
• Direct Connection
• Series Connection
• Parallel Connection
• Sources of Errors
6. Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
• Introduction
• Oscilloscope Block Diagram
• Cathode Ray Tube
• Electrostatic Focusing
• Electrostatic Deflection (Derivation for D-LldEd/2dEa)
• Deflection Sensitivity, Deflection Factor
• Post Deflection Acceleration of Electrostatic Beam
• Screens for CRT
• Vertical Deflection System
• Horizontal Deflection System
• Types of Sweeps
• Dual Trace Oscilloscope
• Sampling Oscilloscope
• Storage Oscilloscope
Principle of Secondary Emission
Variable Persistence Storage
Bistable Storage Oscilloscope
• Digital Storage Oscilloscope
• Comparison Between Analog and Digital Storage Oscilloscope
7. Signal Generation
• Sine Wave Generator
• Frequency Synthesized Signal Generator
• Sweep Frequency Generator
• Function Generator
8. Spectrum Analysis
• Wave Analyzers
• Frequency Selective Wave Analyzers
• Heterodyne Wave Analyzers
• Harmonic Distortion Analyzers
Tuned-Circuit Harmonic Analyzer
Heterodyne Harmonic Analyzer or Wave Meter
• Spectrum Analyzer
• Basic Spectrum Analyzer
• Fourier Transform Spectrum Analyzer
• Applications of the Spectrum Analyzers
9. Transducers
• Introduction
• Structure and Classification
• Piezoelectric Transducers
• Thermocouple
• Photo-Electric Transducer

Text Book
W. D. Cooper," Electronic Instrumentation & Measurement Technique", Prentice Hall India, 1982
1.  B. H. Oliver & J.M. Cage (ed.), "Electronic Measurement & Instrumentation",       McGraw  Hill , 1971
2.     A. M. Rudkin , "Electronic Test Equipment", 1981
3.     M. L. Meade," Lock-in amplifiers", Peter Peregnius, 1983
4. S. Soclof," Applications of Analog Integrated Circuits",
   Prentice Hall, 1987.
5.    J. A. Alloca," Electronic Instrumentation", Prentice Hall, 1987
6.    A. K. Sawani, “Electronic Measurement & Instrumentation”.

Microprocessor – I

Semester: V                           Lect: 4 Hr
Branch: ENC / CST / IT                                                                                        Credit: 04
Introduction of Microprocessor 
Brief history of Microprocessors, Basic building blocks of microcomputer systems.
8085 Microprocessor
Pin diagram and pin description
Internal architecture with functional block diagram.
Register organization inside 8085
Interfacing devices  ---- tri state buffer, decoder, and latch.
Instruction set of 8085: study of instructions from instruction set
of 8085.  Grouping of instructions. 
Addressing modes of 8085 – their types with suitable examples.
Programming of 8085 - Program development for 8085 using inst. set
Stacks and subroutines – concept of stack and stack pointer, use of PUSH, POP and other stack related instructions, subroutines, their types and execution of subroutines.
I/O data transfer techniques- programmed I/O, interrupt driven I/O, DMA, data transfer with handshake signals and ready signals.
Interrupts - hardware and software interrupts, maskable and Nonmaskable interrupts, vectored and nonvectored interrupts, interrupt structure of 8085,
Instructions related to interrupt like EI, DI, RIM and SIM.
I/O device interfacing – I/O mapped I/O and memory mapped
I/O techniques.
Programmable I/O devices – study of 8155, 8355/8755, block diagram, pin functions and modes of operation.
Programmable Peripheral Interface  (PPI) 8255-block diagram, pin functions, features, modes of operations, interfacing with 8085.
Programmable Interval Timer 8253/54- block diagram, pin function, features, modes of operations, interfacing with 8085.
Programmable interrupt controller 8259-block diagram, pin function, features, modes of operation, interfacing with 8085.
DMA Controller 8257- block diagram, pin function, features, modes of operation, interfacing with 8085.
ADC/DAC interfacing – study of ADC/DAC IC’S – 0800, 0808,0809,generation of various waveforms
Debugging tools: Assemblers, Logic Analyzers.
8085 Microprocessor based system Design.
Microcontroller 8051
Architecture of 8051, hardware, of 8051, oscillator & clock, Register organization inside 8051,Special function Registers, Internal memory, internal RAM.
Pin Configuration & functions of pins.
Modes for serial   I/O operation- mode 0, mode 1, mode 2, mode 3.     Modes for interrupt- operation interrupt structure external
interrupt control and priority.
Timer/ counter modes - mode 0, mode 1, mode 2, mode 3.
Power Saving modes -power down mode, idle mode
Instruction set & Addressing modes of 8051
Programming of 8051- programs for addition,subtraction,
multiplication and division.
Interfacing of external memory to 8051
Interfacing of external peripherals to 8051.

Text Books and Reference Books
1. R. S. Gaonkar, “Microprocessor”, 3rd edition, Penram International Publications.  (RS. 225/-)
2. Borole and Vibhute, “Microprocessor”, 2nd edition, Technova Publications.           (Rs. 220/-)
3. A. P. Godse , “Microprocessor”, 1st edition, Nirali  Publications. (Rs. 275/-)
4. A .P. Godse, Gilmore , “Microprocessor”, 2nd edition,  McGraw Hill International.     (Rs. 765/- )
5. Kenneth J. Ayala, ‘The 8051Microcontroller”, 2nd edition, Penram International. (Rs. 225/-)
Knol References

Electromagnetic Wave Theory

Semester: IV                Lect: 4 Hr
Branch: ENC                                                              
Credit: 04
Fundamental relations, Guass’s law, electric potential, continuous charge distribution, equipotential surfaces,Divergence theorem, Poissons & Laplace equations, capacitace, elctrostatic energy, boundary conditions, Uniquness theorem, Dirac delta representation.
Magnetic field, Faraday’s law, Lenz’s law, Flux density, field strength, Ampere’s law, Permeability, Magnetostatic energy, Lornetz force equation, Ampere’s force law, Magnetic potential, analogies between electric & magnetic field.Maxwell’s equations: Continuity equation for time varying fields, Maxwell’s equations, Boundary conditions.
Electromagnetic waves:
Waves in free space, Uniform plane waves, Waves in conducting medium, sinusoidal time variations.
Conductors & Dielectrics: Polarization in dielectrics, Normal & oblique incidence, surface impedance, Poynting theorem, poynting vector, interpretation of E*H, power loss in plane conductor.
Guided Waves: TE & TM waves, characteristics of TE & TM waves, TEM waves, velocities of propagation, wave impedance, current flow through conductor.
Transmission lines: Parallel plane transmission line, radio & UHF transmission line, Transmission line charts, Impedance matching by stubs.
Wave Guides: Rectangular guides, TE & TM waves in rectangular wave-guides, nonexistence of TEM waves in wave-guides, Bessel’s function, circular wave-guides, wave & characteristics impedance, attenuation factor & Q of wave-guides.
Radiation & Antenna: Basic antenna parameters, general solution of Maxwell’s equations. Retarded vector potential, electric dipole, current element & dipole, power radiated from Quarter wave monopole or half wave dipole, antenna properties- Radiation pattern, radiation intensity, gain, directive gain, directivity, effective length, efficiency & effective area, relation between radiation resistance, directive gain & effective length, antenna arrays- broad side, end-fire, binomial array, Principle of pattern multiplication
1. Edward Jordan & Kieth Balmain, Electromagnetic waves & radiating systems, 2nd Edition, PHI, 1998. (Rs-175/-)
2. John D. Kraus, Electromagnetics, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1991. (Rs- 300/-)
3. K. D. Prasad, Antenna & Wave Propagation, 3rd Edition, Satya Prakashan New Delhi, 2001. (Rs. 250/-)

Analog Circuits

Semester: IV                Lect: 4 Hr
Branch:ENC/CST/IT                                                                                        Credit: 04
Differential Amplifiers:
 Diff. Amp. Circuit configurations- dual/single i/p balanced output, dual/single i/p unbalanced output, DC & AC analysis, swamping resistors, constant current bias, current mirror, level shifter.
Operational Amplifiers:
Block diagram of typical Op-Amp, schematic symbol, Ideal Op-Amp, Op-Amp equivalent circuit, Transfer characteristics, Op- Amp parameters- DC – offset voltage & current, compensation for offset voltage, AC parameters- CMRR, slew rate, gain bandwidth product. Thermal drift, Noise.
Closed loop Op-Amp:
Feedback configurations- Inverting, non-inverting & Differential Op-Amp, effect of f/b on different parameters
Frequency Response:
Frequency response, Compensation for frequency, Op-Amp at high frequency, effects of slew rate.
Linear Applications:
Peaking amplifier, summing, scaling, averaging amp, Instrumentation amplifier, Integrator & Differentiator, Log & Antilog amplifier.
Oscillator principles, Barkhausen criterion, Types- Phase shift, Wien Bridge, Quadrature oscillators. Waveform generators- Square, triangular & sweep generator, Voltage controlled oscillator.
Non-linear applications:
Basic comparator, zero crossing detector, Schmitt trigger, window detector, V/F & F/V converters, sample & hold circuits.
Specialized IC applications:
IC555 timer - monostable & astable multivibrators, applications.
Phase locked loop:
Operating principle, monolithic PLLs, IC565 PLL applications.
Voltage regulators:
Fixed & variable voltage regulators, IC723 voltage regulators.
Power Amplifiers:
Monolithic power amplifiers, LM 380 power amplifier. 

1. Ramakant Gayakwad,  “Op-Amps and Linear Integrated circuits”, 3rd edition, PHI, 2000. (Rs 195/-)
2. K.R. Botkar, “Integrated Circuits”, 9th Edition, Khanna Publication, 1996. (Rs –150/-)
3. Graeme Tobey, “Operational Amplifier, Design & applications”, 1985.

Numerical Methods

Semester: IV                Lect: 4 Hr
Branch: ENC/ CST / IT                                                                                         Cedit: 04
Computer Arithmetic:
Floating-point representation of numbers, arithmetic operations with normalized floating point numbers, consequences, and errors in numbers, Binary representation of numbers, conversions and conclusions.
Iterative Methods:
Introduction, starting an iterative method, method of successive bisection, False-position method, Newton Raphson method, Secant method, Successive approximation method, comparison of iterative methods, solution of non-linear equations
(By Newton Raphson method)
Solution Of Simultaneous Algebraic Equations:
 Introduction, Gauss-elimination method, pivoting, Gauss-seidel iterative method, comparison of direct and iterative methods.
Interpolation: Introduction, Lagrange’s interpolation, difference tables, and truncation error in interpolation.
Least Squares Approximation Of Functions:
Introduction, fitting a straight line, polynomial regression, fitting geometric and exponential functions, multiple linear regressions.
Approximation Of Functions:
Introduction, Taylor series representation 
 Introduction, formulae for numerical differentiation, numerical integration, Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s 1/3 rd and 3/8 th rules, Gaussian quadrature formulae, comparison of integration formulae.
Numerical Solution Of Differential Equations:
Introduction, Euler’s method, Taylor series method, Runge-kutta (R-K) second & fourth order formulae, Predictor-corrector (P-C) method, higher order differential equations, comparison of R-K and P-C methods.
Linear Programming:
Transportation problems, PERT/CPM

1. E. Balagurusamy, Numerical Methods, Tata McGraw- Hill, 2001. (Rs.150/-)
2. S. S. Sastry, Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis, 2nd Edition, PHI, 1997. (Rs. 75/-)
3. V. Rajaraman, Computer Oriented Numerical Methods, 3rd Edition, PHI, 1997.     (Rs. 59/-)
4. John H. Mathews, Numerical Methods for Mathematics, Science & Engineering, 2nd Edition, PHI, 1998. (Rs. 175/-)
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