Friday, March 30, 2012

Cloud Computing - Mumbai University Syllabus and Related Knols

Objective: Students will have a comprehensive knowledge of cloud computing
techniques, best practices in cloud computing. They will be able to understand the
current challenges in cloud computing. They will be able to understand how to design
and implement cloud-based applications.

Prerequisite: Distributed Systems
1. Understanding Cloud Computing: Introduction to cloud computing, are you ready
for cloud computing?, surveying the Role of Cloud Computing, developing the cloud
2. Understanding Windows Azure Platform Architecture: The Windows Azure
Developer Portal, Creating and running Projects in the Azure Development Platform,
Using Azure Application Templates for Visual Studio 2008, Taking advantage of
Auxiliary Cloud Services, Deploying Application and Services to the Azure Cloud.
3. Analyzing the Windows Azure Operating System: The Lifecycle, Securing and
Isolating Services and Data, Assuring Fabric Controller Availability, Virtualizing
Windows Server for Azure.
4. Scaling Azure Table and Blob Storage: Creating Storage Accounts, Using or
Wrapping the Azure Storage Services’ REST APIs, Understanding Azure Table
Storage, Storing and retrieving Blobs.
5. Minimizing Risk When Moving to the Azure Cloud Service: Bypassing the
Barrier to Cloud Computing, Implementing the Secure Sockets Layers Transmission,
Encryption for Web Roles, Encrypting Personal Information in Azure Storage
Services, Auditing Conformance to Regulatory and Industry Standards.
6. Authenticating and Authorizing Service User: Taking Advantage of ASP.NET
Membership Services, Adapting ASP.NET Authentication and Role Management to
Windows Azure Web Role, Analyzing the AspProviders Library’s Classes, Moving
the AspProvidersDemo’s Data Source to the Cloud, Integrating Membership Services
with an Azure Service, Authenticating users with Windows Live ID.
7. Optimizing the Scalability and Performance of Azure Tables: Assigning Primary
Key Values to Entities, Handling Associated Entities, Taking Advantage of Entity
Group Transactions, Uploading the table data, Displaying the Data from
Heterogeneous Tables in Grids.
8. Massaging with Azure Queues: Creating and Processing Azure Queues and
Messages, Enhancing the Thumbnails.sin Sample Solution.
9. Authenticating Users with .NET Access Control Services: Creating the .NET
Services Solution, Installing the .NET Services SDK and other Tools, Crating the
CardSpace Credentials at, Using a Managed CardSpace
Credential with ACS.
10. Interconnecting the Services with the .NET Service Bus: Creating .NET Service
Solution and Installing Prerequisites, Relaying Message with SB, Analyzing the .NET
Services SDK’s EchoSample Solution, Using the Configuration File to Specify
11. Exploring .NET Service Bus Queues and Routers: Persisting Messages in Service
Bus Queues, Delivering Message with Service Bus Routers.

Text Book:
“Cloud Computing with the Windows Azure Platform”, Roger Jennings, Wiley.
Reference Books:
1. “Cloud Computing”, Michael Miller, Pearson Education.
2. “AJAX Construction Kit: Building Plug-and-Play Ajax Applications,” Michael
3. “AJAX Security”, Billy Hoffman and Bryan Sullivan.
4. “Parallel Programming”, Barry Wilkinson and Michael Allen

Term Work:
Term work shall consist of at least 10 experiments covering all topics and one written
Distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:
Laboratory work (Experiments and Journal) 15 Marks
Test (at least one) 10 Marks
The final certification and acceptance of TW ensures the satisfactory Performance of
laboratory Work and Minimum Passing in the term work.
Suggested Experiment List
1. Collaboration on calendars, schedules, and task management
2. Collaboration on event management
3. Collaboration on contact management
4. Collaboration on project management
5. Collaboration on word processing
6. Collaboration on spreadsheets
7. Collaboration on databases
8. Collaboration on presentation
9. Collaboration on file sharing and any other on line content
10. Collaboration via web communication tools
Original knol - 5735

1 comment:

  1. Thank you,
    The Information you Shared is very Informative
    Transform Yous Business with Cloud Computing
